Tuesday, December 22, 2009

late night... ahem- early morning blogging

so I woke up this morning feeling pretty good-- nice!
I called the Dr. & canceled my surgery, then ate another piece of almond poppy seed cake... mmm. My sweet friend & fellow scout leader Lori brought it by last night & tonight it is GONE BABY. Because I have no pain or frequency or burning I decided to wait until after Christmas- then see if it's still there. Why deal with it now if it's not causing me issues -right? Plus what if I passed it & missed it...? that would be bad- surgery for nothin' man would that make me mad.
Today has been a whirlwind of activity & I am finally getting my turn to blog at 12:30 AM. I'm really tired & Brian is taking pictures of me with my camera. Holy crap that kid can be annoying. (This is Brian, I figured that taking pictures at such an inconvenient time would only be appropriate and well deserved having lived in such circumstances for so long ourselves... I speak for the rest of the family)

So today jack applied for his passport. He needs to get a Visa so we are hoping it comes back fast-- plus I paid the big bucks to have it expedited. I wrapped a million & 1/2 presents, finished up the neighborhood gifts, went to costco, returned stuff before the after Christmas crazy rush, picked up RX's, did laundry (it has tripled since the boys got home), made dinner, bought everything I need for Christmas & Christmas Eve dinner... I'm so tired. Ten--- TEN people will be in this house soon. Presents for TEN are under the tree. wow. I love it. I am feeling very blessed & cannot wait for Charlie to be here tomorrow.

Not my best self portrait. That darn lazy eye gets me every time...

but so funny- I couldn't resist posting it anyway

I kind of look like I did have the surgery?


Jill said...

I think the picture of you blogging is cute (thanks Brian!). I'm so glad you're feeling better and aren't being harassed by that kidney stone, I hope it stays that way!

I had a crazy, errand-running day too, but wow I can't imagine getting everything ready for 10 people! You must be exhausted.

I'm so excited for you to have everyone home for Christmas!

wende said...

i'm so excited that everyone will be here today! holy crap. good for you getting all that errand running done!

i hope your dang stone has passed, i'm crossing my fingers for it. if nothing else, i hope it doesn't bother you until at least after christmas. :)

Kristy said...

I am glad you are waiting for the surgery!!! Looks like things are nuts at your house!! Have fun with Charlie!!

Karrie said...

I love your lazy eye...I'm laughing right now. I hope Charlie won't inherit it. How is it having him there...will you still blog or wait till they leave!

michelle said...

I'm glad you're feeling better! And I really hope you don't have to have that surgery. If you're not having symptoms, maybe it already passed?

I'm dying over you saying that Brian is annoying, so funny to me after you anxiously awaiting his return for so long, and his plug about the photos. This is the kind of parent/child exchange that puts a big smile on my face.

Kim Sue said...

yeah for having everyone home! what fun!

Janae said...

I am glad you have got to have everyone home! Love all the pictures:)