Saturday, October 31, 2009

what a week!

After leaving this cutie pie at the airport- I boarded a plane for Utah.
Just a minute or two after buckling in & leaning back in relaxation mode... I'm a nervous flyer... the flight attendant told us we were going to be delayed 2 hours. The thought of sitting there almost made me start to panic, luckily they let us off- feewwww. So after some gift shop lookin' around & lunch I read a bit & it was back on the plane. Luckily my connecting flight was also late so after running through the Minneapolis airport, taking the shuttle to the second stop, & seeing they were just starting to board- I hustled into the bathroom & then made it onto the plane.
It's a good thing I made it on-
I didn't want to miss this guy & all my scouts at the pinewood derby!
It seemed like every time I called home- the boys were working on the car. Even though it didn't place it was a good experience & I think everyone had a blast.

Even the dads could make cars or bring their old ones to race after the scouts.

Brett's old cars were meticulously taken off the wall of the office where they hang in their shadow box & raced up just as good as new! He's from a serious scouting family.

The next morning

the halloween parade
Oh how I love the halloween parade!
The whole school dresses up, faculty & all & parade through the school. Parents & grandparents come- it's crowded & fun. It's one of my favorite things & makes me feel like I live in a small town where family matters. I love how so many people come, but it's not a big contest to see who can spend the most time/money on the fanciest costume. I hate that. I of course love the parade, Trent just tolerates it-that is-now he tolerates it. Years past the trauma of the crowds & dressing up (he hates dressing up in anything but a tacky store bought costume) put him over the edge. Just two years ago I had to take him home after.
I tried to get him to let me paint his face or dress up as something cool like a cowboy for the parade & save the store bought costume for trick or treating- nah. Oh well. It's okay, I'm just glad he plays along now. I just want him to have fun!
My town has totally turned fall & winter is on our heels.
It snowed a bit while I was away. Leaves are all around & there is a chill in the air.
It feels good to be home.


Jill said...

Ew, a delayed plan makes for such a long day. I'm glad they let you off the plane.

I think the Pinewood Derby is the best Pack Meeting of the whole year!

Karrie said...

Wow what a whirlwind day...I'm glad you're back and I can't wait until Charlie comes here.

Good job Trent on the pinewood derby