Friday, October 30, 2009

It's been forever since I really posted- a long, heartfelt post. I have so many emotions & so much is going on- all good. I am blessed. But- real life is in full force & I've gotta catch up. Wednesday my flight was an hour late, but just in time for the pinewood derby (pictures coming) I had to leave just a bit early- I was so tired. Thursday morning was- the elementary school Halloween parade, breakfast with the blogger mom's, doctor's appointment to finish up jack's mission medical papers- then lab work, followed by running to the DMV to get hailey's driver's license (she passed the testing at school but this was the first day she could get it) Holy CRap -ballet driving (brett was at a meeting) so trent & I hung out in the library for an hour. Today- No School- so it's laundry, scrubbing floors, cleaning bathrooms, vacuuming for all of us (well not before a movie & laying around in our pj's for a while)- oh what a tole things take when mom's gone!
Tomorrow of course, is the big day- Halloween!!! and maybe donuts... I'm thinking this tradition is not for grandma's?

jack may be back tomorrow night
charlie doesn't have jaundice (there was just slight concern)
no one here has the swine flu ---- yet---- our whole neighborhood has had it!
brett is going in late to work
only 21 days until the missionary comes home- can you believe this?
21 days
i guess it just goes to show-
life happens, whether you choose to participate or not.
Two years seemed so impossibly long when this all started, frankly- at times it has been. But- two years are going to pass whether you accomplish your dreams & grow & live- anyway. I'm so glad he did just that. I couldn't help but tell jack he doesn't have to go if he doesn't want to (I know he wants to- but then who knows what's going on in that red head) he had a lot to say about that that I won't go into- smarty pants.
So- I will be back to posting- maybe even today...!
I hope
I love this blog- I love looking back- I love to see how much we have all changed. I love the reminder that ya- things are good even when I wonder.


Marie said...

Happy Halloween!! 21 days, how exciting!!

michelle said...

So many good things happening for your family, Patsy! And what a range, missions beginning and ending, new baby, driver's license, pinewood derby. Holy cow.

I enjoyed your thoughts on two years passing whether you are living life and growing or not. I need to remember that at times.

Jill said...

Welcome back Patsy! It's probably a good thing that you have so much real life going on right now otherwise you might fall into a "missing Charlie" type funk. I had a remarkably unscheduled week and fell into a "missing Paris" funk, but am coming out of it.

Wow, 21 days until Brian comes home, those 2 years really do fly by and what an amazing transformation has gone on for all of you!