Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I made it

So I got on an airplane today.

and took a flight to Houston.
I'm not sure which Houston airport I was in, but it's the one that is remodeling their "train" system. I walked to the opposite end of terminal A, went outside & got on a shuttle bus to terminal B.
Houston of course, makes me think of my college roommate Marji- one of my very favorite people- she lives here and Holly the marathon bird- one of my very favorite bloggers... I would just love to sit & visit with them both. I wish I had more time.
The whole time I was thinking- I can't believe I sent Hailey & Chloe off on an airplane in July to come out here!? I'm so glad they didn't fly through Houston. I mean- I was just a little lost. I stopped & asked someone how to get to terminal B-- he replied but had a thick accent & I didn't get a word of it. So- I headed on & followed the signs. Funny, that was only one of two accents I heard today. My luck to ask the one guy with an accent? It was cool though. It reminds me of my mother's side of the family- she is from Oklahoma- if you didn't know.

It took me a while to find my gate, eat a quick lunch (I was starving) & hop on the connecting flight to Megan's town. I wish she lived closer. I'm not complaining- I'm so glad they are happy where they are & Tony has a great job, etc. I'm just sayin'- it will be hard to leave them.

I opted for lunch at McDonald's- I was in a major hurry & let's face it- I had never heard of most of the food options & wanted to play it safe. One thing about mickey d's... you know exactly what you're gonna get. It's all the same- almost.

Did you know that in Texas a Big & Tasty Burger is called an All American Burger?
Also, in Texas at McDonald's you can order Sweet Tea!
I've NEver seen Sweet Tea on a menu before that I can remember. There is no sweet tea out west folks.
Brian says that in Chile they have avocado on all the hamburgers- crazy huh!?

So, I'm here.
Trent sent me an email tonight:
He called & was laughing within minutes, then begging for the new transformer movie which came out today & is PG-13 & not only violent but full of sexual innuendo... no thank you! He insists that he would not watch the "body parts" ? I'm not sure where he got that or what that is supposed to mean? I told him weeks ago- he is relentless in the begging department, remember our cell phone issues?- not to be mad at me, be mad at the movie makers for taking an innocent kid subject & ruining it with inappropriate themes for kids. It makes me so mad, seriously.

then I said- go ask your dad.
In fact... you can talk to your dad about it all night.
Sorry babe, I hope you get some sleep.


Janae said...

So glad you made it there safe and sound! I am so excited for you and Megan:) hope all goes well tomorrow!

wende said...

so glad you made it! and...i'm DYING for a photo of megan's belly! she's probably posted some on her blog, but it's private and i keep forgetting to have her send me an invite. in fact, maybe you could just ask her to send me one while you're there!

i am going to be waiting on pins and needles tomorrow, so you better be texting or blogging or calling or something!!

good luck!

chloe said...

Those pictures are great! It is such an adventure. I hope you have the best time!

Marie said...

Have fun out there! Congrats Megan!

Kristy said...

I am so glad you made it!!!

Trent will have to come over one night and watch Transformers at our house on clearplay and we will take it down to PG movie....if we can.

Have fun running around today!

Kristy said...

I am so glad you made it!!!

Trent will have to come over one night and watch Transformers at our house on clearplay and we will take it down to PG movie....if we can.

Have fun running around today!

Beth said...

I am happy it was a fairly uneventful trip. Cherish the moments with Megan!

And give her and Tony and Charlie (when you see him) a really big hug from us!!!!

Karolynn said...

I am glad you made it safe. I had McDonalds today. I just couldn't take the diet thing anymore and fell of the rocker. I love the hot fries. Good luck with the Grandma thing. I am so excited for you!

Karrie said...

You made it...woo hoo. I really want to take an airplane trip some where. Tell Tony and Megan "HI" and good work on the new little one.

Kim Sue said...

"I will not watch the body parts" Love it! My husband went and saw it and I guarentee that he did not make the same deal!

michelle said...

McD's is not quite the same here, either. Some things are, some things aren't. I try to avoid it!

Marc and I were just talking today about Transformers 2 and how mad it makes us when movies about kid subjects are not kid-appropriate!