Sunday, October 11, 2009

saturday with my parents

Yesterday my parents were in town.Aren't they cute!
They had been up to my sisters & were on their way back home & offered to take us to lunch- of course, we wouldn't pass that up-- so here we are at McDonald's.
No one loves McDonald's as much as my dad- well, maybe my little sister & Trent. I have to admit I like McDonald's too. In fact I have a theory- those who say they don't like McDonald's are lying- or haven't been there in a long time. Our McDonald's of choice has been all remodeled fancy, like a NY coffee shop or something- well, except for the play land where we are seated.

Trent was as happy as a clam & so was my dad.
Growing up- whenever we went on road trips- which was for three weeks every summer- we (my sister & I) would argue over where we would stop to eat. I wanted Arctic Circle- she wanted McDonald's (some things never change.) We didn't eat out hardly ever so this was a huge deal to us. Of course there are a million more mickey d's than arctic c's so she usually won out.

This is my mom & Hailey.
Mom is an amazing musician & artist. My dad a retired Boeing airplane maker. He was in the infantry in the Korean war- you can see from the hat. I never miss a chance to talk to a vet- especially with a hat like this one. I met a vet just Friday at the zoo. He was in Korea too, but in the Navy. I asked him- "how did you make it on a boat like that? My dad said he was so sea sick the amount of time he spent getting there." He told me all about his triumph over sea sickness- he was darling. I introduced him to my scouts- REal American heroes these vets!
I am proud of my parents- they are wonderful people, supportive & always made me feel like I could be/do anything I put my mind to.

It was nice to see you Mom & Dad-
I'm glad you made it home safe & got to spend the afternoon with us.
Love You- patsy


Kristy said...

I can handle McDonalds sometimes....I like their breakfasts but their other stuff is okay.

What a fun time with your Mom and Dad!

Karrie said...

I dare anyone to say they have not had a Big Mac or Chicken Mc Nuggets! How nice to see them!

Jill said...

I had a Big Mac on Saturday and loved every minute of it!

Holly said...

Glad you got to spend some time with your parents--and introduce them to us. :) I agree, people must lie when they say they can't stand McDs. I like their homestyle burger and their coffee. But not together. And I love their playspaces when they are clean and maintained.

That's so funny it's your dad's fave--and Trent's--they must have had a GREAT afternoon!

She Loves To Make said...

I agree with you about McDonald's. How can you have a big n' tasty and not like that place?

michelle said...

I like McDonald's, too. It's where we always went when I was growing up. My kids prefer Wendy's, but I think it's just because of the Frostys...

Your parents are so cute. And I love that you talk to vets.

crystal said...

That picture with Trent in the background, beaming, is so awesome! Whenever I'm out & about and I see a redheaded kid I do a double-take, just in case it's you & Trent. One of these days....

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

I agree. How can you not like McDonald's fries? No one elses even compare. However, I'd have sided with you on Artic Circle. I love the fry sauce.

I loved hearing about you taking the time to talk to vets. It was fun to hear.