Friday, October 9, 2009

scout field trip- Hogle Zoo

Nearly everywhere we have lived-- several different states-- we have had a zoo pass. I even bought a zoo pass here in Salt Lake City a couple of years in a row when we first moved here 13 years ago... but frankly- hated it.
That old zoo was a pain in the behind, literally.
All hills (not fun pushing a stroller straight up) and terrible exhibits.
Well people- that has changed!
Hogle Zoo has slowly transformed into a wonderful place.
Not so hilly- I'm not sure how they did that- and full of beautiful exhibits.
This past summer a baby elephant was born & I knew right then & there...
Today my fellow cub leaders & I took the cubs & we they all earned the zoo patch- hooray!

The elephants were not the only ones with a new baby either. Look at this sweet baby giraffe. I had such a hard time taking his photo- not very cooperative this one- but so cute eating with his mama.

There were baby crocodiles, meerkats, monkeys, snow leopards- it was wonderful.

My own cub & his aspergers scout mate were both acting like their usual, lovely, field trip selves. They were fighting & at one point some lady walked up to them- grabbed them both & said- "WHERE IS YOUR LEADER?" They were hitting each other and ya- I was standing right there a foot away but trying to decide what to do. I said, "I'm right here." She apologized I said - "no problem." I'm sure she thought I was the worst scout leader ever. They were slapping around at each other like two idiots- I said- "hey, if you are gonna hit at least punch- you look like a couple of little girls." Maybe someone will call the scout office? They can get rid of me- I don't care, I'd like to see someone else take on these two... we were right near the tiger exhibit but it had netting all around so throwing them to the tiger wasn't an option, probably a good thing. It's also a good thing I've had so much experience with public humiliation, lucky me- lucky them. I nearly took them to the car- but thought it over & decided to just have a little -how to act when you are upset session, complete with role playing- They apologized shook hands- we went on. It gave me a chance to bring up again to some of the other boys- that they have aspergers- crowds are difficult, sometimes they have a hard time knowing how to act, etc.

On the way out one of the zoo workers was standing out & showing everyone a Dung Beetle. OH hooray! She let all of the boys get up close & pet it. I bet you can guess what dung beetles eat? ya- hand sanitizer all around.
Just after that--- the best part of all--- the part that made the whole trip worth it--- we saw THE BABY ELEPHANT
Just look at her!
She is so adorable & cute- I started getting teary!
The whole way there I kept telling the boys that seeing a baby elephant is a once in a lifetime thing- it's really very rare- they are so lucky & I hope they remember this!
Look how tiny!
Her name is Zuri & she weighed 250lbs. when she was born. She is closer to 350lbs. now. She is 36" tall & so cute. She was playing with this ball. Oh I loved seeing her.

so did this guy!
sometimes the hard times are worth it.
Especially when the two fighting babies get home & decide they need to play, eat dinner together & have a late night... ?


Kristy said...

Zuri is so dang cute!!! I wish we had some time to get to the zoo and see the new babies but not this year.

Looks like everyone had a ton of fun! You are a SUPER cub leader!

Gail said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE elephants!!!! and, your photos mean that as soon as my back is better we are going to the zoo.

Good for you for being such a great mom/scout leader to take those boys even though it is a challenge.

She Loves To Make said...

That baby elephant is so cute! I don't think I've ever seen one before. I love the picture of Trent and the elephants in the background.

Jill said...

Again with the scout field trips, you're a rock star leader!

Did the zoo give you a special group rate and does it just come out of your scout budget?

That baby elephant is so adorable. Whitney would love, love, love to go see these baby animals.

Karrie said...

Such a good scout leader and what a fun day minus the fighting.

wende said...

you're the best scout leader ever - seriously. i don't think i could handle having JL in my scout group. in fact, i KNOW i couldn't. for this reason alone, you're going straight to the celestial kingdom. and what a beasty lady to grab the two boys, what was she thinking? it just goes to show that you never know what people's challenges are. i'm glad you turned it into a teaching moment for the two boys, that beasty lady, AND your boys. you rock.

ok, and ethan and i are headed to the zoo next week for sure! i love the zoo in the colder weather, the animals don't look like they're going to die of heat stroke. (and neither do i!)

and i just want to say AMEN to the hogle zoo make-over. man that place used to suck, but i was so impressed the last time we went. you can tell they're making some big changes over there. - thank heaven!

michelle said...

We went to Hogle Zoo a few months ago and I was impressed with the changes as well. (Although I will say it still does feel kinda hilly when you're pushing a stroller...)

You are definitely a rock star, Patsy. Rock star mom. Rock star Scout leader. Two with Asperger's? Taking them on field trips? It's rare to have a Cub Scout leader that really cares, that will go through these difficulties in order to give them a good experience. They'll never get rid of you if they have brains in their heads!

It's interesting how things that are difficult at the time can seem worth it in hindsight. That's how I feel almost every time I take my kids out on an excursion here!