Tuesday, June 9, 2009

best friends?

Jack has no summer job---
His summer job for the past 2 summers - which we thought he would have this summer- has disappeared, gone, done, no more- because of "the economy."
The phrase "the economy," is really getting to me- in more ways than one. Kylie here- jack's cousin has a job up in Grandma & Grandpa's town.
she was scheduled to fly there from here today. Because of Gpa's back problems & the fact that he has been in the hospital for almost a week- not to mention a full week less than a month ago- Jack is going up now too. He will be in charge of the yard & the horses, etc. He's been up there every summer for at least a week & we are hoping he can help until his Aunt gets up there in a couple of weeks.
So Kylie- nice girl that she is- gave up her plane ticket & drove with her cousin. It's an eight our drive... I nagged at Jack- you know she has a plane ticket, she doesn't have to make the drive, it's very nice of her--- to which he replied-
"dang, that blows"
he is a real deep kind of guy.
They don't really know each other- have never spoken more than a few words.
That has all changed- for sure.
Jack is not known for being comfortable around girls...
I offered him & his buddy Zach $100 each to walk up to a girl on the last day of school- say, "I've always wanted to do this!" then kiss her right on the lips. I wasn't worried about my money NO NOT ONE BIT & loved hearing their plan on how to do it. hee hee hee, oh I am really an evil person can you tell? Jack is pretty much paralyzed around girls & comes off as a snot or stuck up, or just not caring, even though he does care- you know the type?
so- this trip with his cousin should be good for him. I don't know about her- but it should be good for him. A safe girl, a cousin- maybe he will lighten up a little?
Unfortunately I have been forbidden to blog about the fact I owe the guy....

so maybe I will save that story for a year from now
when he is on his mission??


She Loves To Make said...

She gave up her plane ticket? That was really nice! Jack better be nice in the car!

Anonymous said...

This should be quite the trip for them! I was about their age on my first friend/cousin road trip and it is still one of my favorite memories!

And wait...you owe HIM $100? He did it? Oh please tell us- he will be even more of a stud if he did it!

Unknown said...

you could blog about it "rhetorically," right?!?

shannon said...

Who needs a summer job when he can just accept a challenge like this one!--What a score!

You promised not to BLOG about it, but you didn't make any promises not to e-mail the story...ahem!

I love that you gave him this challenge...see!--I told you...you are such a funny, way cool mom!

Karrie said...

I'm glad Jack is going to help out Brett will feel better about coming home now. Maybe his job was eliminated for a reason? HMMMM

Karolynn said...

Ok I want to hear more about the 100 dollars!

Beth said...

We have to find a loop hole in the "promise"... can you post it on my blog????

Wow... I can't wait to hear about it. Jack the stud... who knew!

Kristy said...

Ok I want to know about the $100.00, he was too shy to have Emily sign his yearbook so I really want to hear the story. You are just forbidden to blog about it but you can tell us at lunch tomorrow right???? Steal Jack's yearbook and I will have Emily sign it and I will get hers to you as well.

Jack is a good guy to go help out his Grandparents!!!

michelle said...

What?? So did he do it???

I love that you made that bet. You are hilarious, Patsy!

Jill said...

I'm dying to know about the $100, how did it happen?? Wow.