Tuesday, June 23, 2009

trading places

Yesterday I ran to the pediatrician's office to pick up a RX for Trent. The RX wasn't ready & I ended up spending a half hour sitting in the waiting room- just me- watching all the mothers & their children. The room was packed. Near where I was sitting was a young mom with four young children. I couldn't help but stare. I remember people used to stare at me when I was a young mom with four young children. As I sat there watching them it hit me- she had a girl, two boys & a baby boy. It took me back- back to a very busy time when I had a little girl, two little boys & a baby girl. I remember taking them all with me to doctor's appointments, grocery shopping- everywhere. None of them could really shower or get themselves breakfast- it was a busy time. A hard time- A good time. A time I can never get back, not that I would want to. It was my time & their time- my time to be a young mother with young children- their childhood.
I have traded places now. I hope I was good enough. I wish I knew then what I know now. That they would grow up. I guess I knew they would, just didn't know how fast it was going to go. As I sat staring at this beautiful mom I wanted to say, "Enjoy." But I could tell she didn't need to hear it. I wanted to say- I used to have four young children & people would stare at us- and I would dress them all neat & clean & take them places & try to be patient so that people would know that I loved being a mom with small children & that it wasn't a burden- but a good thing.
I opted for, "Your children are beautiful."
She smiled.


Anonymous said...

I think I am transitioning out of that stage- there is no baby anymore, they are easier, they get dressed themselves. A part of me misses it, but then I am looking forward to the diaper-less and stroller-less days. Hoping I was good enough, hoping I enjoyed the baby years enough and showed it.

This is just such a great post and worthy of sharing, so thanks!

Kari Sweeten said...

I totally needed to hear this today. Yesterday was hectic. I took all 4 little ones to the grocery store and McKayla decided to throw a tantrum, the baby was crying, and the older two were begging to look at toys...and yes people were staring. I get that a lot. I tried to handle the situation calmly and tried to get done as fast as I could. Today they are being little gems {knock on wood}! Thank goodness for those moments!

Jill said...

What a great post Patsy! I'm so glad you said that to her, and I really hope she is enjoying this time of life.

She Loves To Make said...

Great post. You are and were a great mom :)

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I am totally crying after reading that post... I know I only have one young child right now, but I feel so overwhelmed at times... thank you for helping me to remember to enjoy it.

Becky said...

Thank you for this beautiful post, Patsy...just what this "just-had-baby-number-five-a-week-ago" mom needed to hear! :)

Karolynn said...

I need to remember to enjoy it! Your post is really touching! People look at me long and hard too. I am more of a freak show!

Janae said...

I loved what you said...it was perfect! it's a hard time when you have that many little ones. it is a precious time but, i think to truly appreciate it we have to graduate from it:)

Karrie said...

You said the perfect thing...I loved when people told me stuff like that. I know how it is ...I just saw an old friend today and she is just starting her family at 40...YIKES! I'm so glad to be where I am now.

Gail said...

Amen to the whole thing. It was really hard having 5 children in 6 years, but it was the happiest hard thing I have ever done. While it does go fast, I don't think I would want to do it again. Like you, we are enjoying them at every age and every stage (ok, teenage boys can try ones patience, but they are just so cute.)

wende said...

my mom always says, "when they're little they're on your hands, when they're older, they're on your heart." and megan is right, you ARE a great mother. i'm amazed by you every day.

shannon said...

I am totally choked up right now...
This touches a cord with me as these are just things that I
totally struggle with...Ellie is a very "young" 4 1/2 year old and is not independant yet, so I'm still in the midst of chaos most of the time...

I want to love this time more...It's after they go to bed that I sometimes wish I had the day back to do things over...to do things differently...to be better....

When I'm smack dab right in the middle of my day, I can't seem to see the forest through the trees...

I really wish I had you here in person to talk...

michelle said...

I LOVE this post. Beautifully said, Patsy. Every mother can use a boost like you gave to the one at the dr. office!

Rachel said...

Aaaah, you know just what to say! Thanks for sharing this. So, so much.