Tuesday, June 16, 2009

list in the middle of the month?

1. brett comes home today-
2. he hasn't eaten dinner at home for almost 2 weeks.
3. he was home for a couple of days
4. friday & saturday...
5. then left sunday morning
6. I really miss him. It's getting to me-
7. He comes home tonight.
8. He has no plans for leaving again anytime soon- hooray!
9. i really love rain-
10. but it has rained so much that i miss the sun- truly miss it.
11. My house faces north & is very shady in the back
12. so unless it is really sunny- even with the lights on-
13. it's dark in here...
14. all the darkness makes the rain seem worse than it is.
15. the dogs won't stop barking
17. they are sick of being cooped up in this house too.
18. I finished two twin quilts for Chloe's room last week & they are off at the quilter.
19. They are the prettiest things I have ever made & I can't wait to get them back.
20. i am working on a pillow for the front porch right now that is taking 5 times as long to finish as I thought it would.... it's just a pillow--
21. I worked at my darling neighbor's wedding Saturday night-
22. the cutest wedding EVEr- loved it- absolutely loved it!
23. I miss creative thursday terribly.
24. even though we met for lunch last week- it's just not the same.
25. I wish I could sit & sew all day...
26. Tonight I am starting to read out loud a book with chloe & trent. I hope it goes well. Trent & I read a lot together during the school year- it's a little tougher in the summer.
27. We are reading one of my childhood favorites-
28. Ramona the brave by Beverly Cleary.
29. I want to write a post on the missionary.
30. Somehow I just can't. It's just too precious to me.
31. he is doing so well, only 157 days left- his letters are so beautiful, but then I am his mother...


Holly said...

Sorry Brett has been so busy and away so much--but not for much longer! :)

Can't wait for you to post a pic of your quilts! I wish I had your sewing mojo.

Beverly Cleary is the BEST!! I bet they will LOVE listening.

I hope the next 157 days pass quickly! :)

jakenapril said...

hey, why not? you know, list in the middle of the month. is there a rule that says it has to be at the beginning? besides, everyone knows all the excitement hits its peak in the middle of the month anyway.

love, love, love ramona. all ramona. i used to get called ramona when i was in elementary school...thanks mom for the haircut. it wasn't all bad. ramona quimby, my fave. i used to watch the tv show, you know, back in the day.

Beth said...

I love wandering through your thoughts every month... doesn't matter what day of the month it is. I can't keep track anymore anyway!

I can't wait to see the quilts! So exciting!

Kristy said...

I am glad that Brett is home to stay for awhile!

I can't wait to see the quilts, I bet they are way cute!

I am glad Brian is doing well. You should start counting in fast Sundays like a friend of mine does....so he would have around 5 fast Sundays left before he comes home! That will make it go by fast! Fast Sundays come really fast.

wende said...

i love ramona the brave.

write a post about the missionary anyway. you'll be glad later that you did. :)

i miss thursdays also. i must be a terribly needy friend. that is my only explaination! :)

Murdlem said...

I know what you mean about it being too precious to write about your missionary.

Words don't really fit and no one else will really get it.

Janae said...

Great list.
I'm glad Brett is home for awhile:)
i hope the dogs stop barking soon...
I really want to see those quilts!
Your missionary will be here soon...so wonderful:)

shannon said...

I feel your dogs pain...the rain isn't stopping here! I feel like barking right along with them...

I love love loved Ramona books...
I think I'll start Ramona the Brave with my kids...it's getting more fun now that they're older...I feel like I can share more of my favorite things with them and they "get it"--ya know?

michelle said...

I can't stand it when dogs won't stop barking!

TWO quilts?? That's amazing!

Your pillow efforts were totally worth it. Totally.

Your missionary will be home so soon!

Jill said...

I always enjoy your lists.

I want to see the quilts you made for Chloe's room.

I hate barking dogs! I have no patience for them at all.

I can't believe I missed all the rain while on our trip, weird.