Friday, June 26, 2009

weirdest summer

This has been the weirdest summer ever.
Rain for 3 weeks
Now 1/2 the people we know (exaggeration?) are sick...
including this dude.
He has had a low grade fever for a day & 1/2 and after getting seriously nervous about the swine flu, which seems to be taking over utah- I took him into the doctor this afternoon to find out he has strep.
The neighbors have the stomach flu- kids are coming home from trek with the flu- but strep?
I guess all kinds of junk is out there?
This means more sponge bob.
The sick guy has been watching sponge bob for two days.
which means two days of the yellow guy for mom.
my brain is mushy
It's the only thing that keeps him entertained/mezmorized.
it's worth it- right...?


Anonymous said...

Hope he's better soon. We're fighting off the sickness here too. Two kids at school with the swine and maybe a dozen with the stomache bug. Not sure what we have but it doesn't seem like anything too bad.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...
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Gail said...

Bummer, a kid should never be sick in summer.

Beth said...

Sorry for all the sickness; and I hope you survive Sponge Bob... good grief, just shoot me now!

I hope the older kids survive Trek and don't have to come home sick... that would be miserable.
Did Chloe go?

Jill said...

That's weird that so many people you know are sick right now. What's up with that?

Janae said...

oh i hate to hear of summer sickness! it really should be outlawed. home from trek with stomach flu? bad news...hope this all passes soon.
i think sponge bob is the way to go under the circumstance:)

Karrie said...

Why would Trent ever want to get better? He looks very spoiled there with his drinks and a t.v. table all while watching Sponge Bob...does life get any better?

shannon said...

I know 3 entire families that all have the flu! I have a cold! What's the deal!

michelle said...

This has been the weirdest weather since we moved to Utah 11 years ago. I feel like I'm back in Seattle! (not that I mind)

I took Eva to the doctor because she couldn't stop throwing up and it turned out she had strep! Maybe the two are related?

So glad your two didn't have to come home sick from Trek.