Monday, June 1, 2009

30 for june

1. I feel deeply connected to commenter's.
2. I think i know them & love them--
3. for caring enough to leave a comment.
4. I'm not sure why it matters so much
5. but it does.
6. I chew gum,
7. loudly.
8. I snap & pop it. blow lots of bubbles & it's really hard to keep quiet with gum in my mouth.
9. I am way to addicted to this blog & wonder if I should take a break...I wonder that a lot.
10. my husband likes it. He reads it- so that is a good sign to me that it's a good thing.
11. he is a really good person.
12. I'm not that good or nice.
13. I'm often negative & work on it daily.
14. moment by moment
15. We finally canceled our voice mail.
16. I never listen to it or answer messages.
17. I felt like I was leaving a false impression that we would eventually listen... we won't
18. life's too short- I hate listening to messages so I'm done with it.
19. I really am not a good phone talker & don't like to, so rarely call people unless I really need to.
20. I would so much rather email.
21. I love email
22. I hate forwards & almost never open them.
23. there is so much going on in my life that never makes it onto this blog
24. good & bad & complicated
25. but I don't want to focus on those things so I don't write about them
26. I look for NieNie postings everyday
27. I pray for her- a lot
28. We have a great garden planted
29. and loads of perennials in the west side flower garden
30. Even though we have a small yard
31. I love it... especially since my sweetheart is so great to help so much in that area... not my greatest talent.


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I love these lists... I look for NieNie posts every day too! I am so excited to see you next month at the wedding!

Kristy said...

Great list!!!!

I hope Trent feels better! We will miss you.

Jill said...

I feel connected to commenters too and never understand why people would want to read a blog regularly without commenting. It seems like such a one-sided relationship.

Your thoughts on voice mail are hilarious. I definitely leave messages with the assumption that the recipient will listen to them.

wende said...

i hate listening to messages. i try not to ever leave one unless i really need to.

i love comments on my blog, but sometimes i think i would like to be able to add entries, (good bad and ugly) that not everyone will see. you're right, there's so much going on that never gets posted.

don't quit your blog. i would be so sad. and it's not a bad thing. :)

Holly said...

I have phonephobia too, not sure why. I could (and would rather) go for days or weeks without talking on it. Messages don't bother me as much as answering it. Weird.

I totally feel the same way about commenters and the relationship that develops. I feel like I have friends, that I hope to someday meet in person, all across the country and that makes me feel happy.

Gardening is not one of my strengths, but I appreciate the finished product (beauty and veggies). I'm more of a supervisor...:)

John and Misty said...

I love your lists! I also would rather email than here you go. Can I also say that you are an amazing den leader?! The boys LOVE you!

Anne said...

Okay So I love to read my blog comments too and love it when people leave comments. So I'll confess, right now I read your blog ALL the time....and never leave a comment. So sad so "one side" like Jill said. But I will from now on, so you know I'm here. Your blog is funny, uplifting and I love reading your entries. So there. Happy Blogging.

shannon said...

Your lists are always so fun to read...

I also feel deeply connected with my blog followers...It makes me feel so good when someone leaves me a comment...

I am a noisy gum chewer as well--I have to consciously control myself when I'm in public because I have such a need for bubble blowing and snapping it loudly...

I never ever listen to my voice mail, either! I even warn my friends that if it's something urgent, call me again until you either get me or the regular answering machine...I just can't bring myself to dial into the time I had 19 unlistened messages on there! ugh! who's got time to listen to all of that?

It's such a good feeling when the vegetable garden is planted!--I love having this interest in common with my husband...

June is such a glorious month for perennials!

Janae said...

I wish we had a garden planted!
I chew my gum too nosily too. sometimes Doug tells me I better spit it out...i guess i am embarrassing him with my gum chewing;)
I love your lists! Your blog is so great to read and you post so regularly...don't take a break! Think of the record of goings on that you are going to have down the road#@!!%^! That is going to be amazing:)