Wednesday, June 24, 2009

yesterday & today

it was my darling friend Karen's birthday.
Thank you, Karen for having a birthday during the summer so I could have an excuse to take you out to lunch & get out of the house & talk my full blown head off like an idiot & not let you have a word in edge wise.
I guess I needed a little time out.
my house is a mess thanks to the two teenagers who left on a mock Pioneer Trek for 3 1/2 days. Their left over stuff is all over. I hope they have fun.

I'm so glad I am not going. It's good to be young, which I am not.
Jack, Megan, Brian & even Brett went four years ago- Brett was in charge. (what a big job) They had such a fantastic time that Jack really wanted to go again- and Hailey has been excited for months. (can you tell?) Silly kids didn't want their picture taken.
I am so glad these two are going- they are going to have a GREAT time!


Kristy said...

Trek is AWESOME but I got a lot of extras like diet coke and Sonic while on the trail!!! Hailey looks soooooo excited!!!!!

She Loves To Make said...

Happy birthday Karen!!! I never asked you how lunch was today...oops! I've been thinking about that all day today. I love Hailey and Jack all dressed up. Crazy how I wore that dress too. Hailey doesn't seem as excited to be wearing it though haha. They are going to have so much fun! Enjoy the quiet at the house!

wende said...

that photo of hailey is so fantastic! classic teenager look!

and, can i just say, i love jack. i love that he's on his way out the door to pioneer trek, but he's such a cowboy, that he looks the same as he always does. especially the belt buckle. gotta love a man with a belt buckle!

you have great kids. and i'm glad i'm not going either. it was hard enough when i was young and thin!

Jill said...

That's funny that you put "sarcasm" as one of the labels for this post. I would have to include that label on every post I write except for my Sunday posts, ha.

Trek seems like an awesome experience for the kids, but sounds totally daunting to me as an adult. I'm just too fond of air conditioning and good plumbing.

Beth said...

So cool they get to do Trek! They don't look too excited, but I am guessing they come home with a bucket full of uplifting experiences!

Going out with that famous teenager look on her face, she is pretty much guaranteed to get touched in the heart the most... that's how that usually goes anyway. Look out Hailey!

I love these kids! I hope your week is great!

shannon said...

I'm with Jill...a/c and good plumbing are too important to me...

I've always heard that these treks are amazing experiences, though.

I wish I could have participated when I was a youth...

michelle said...

What is that adorable wrapping paper??