Monday, February 23, 2009

a whole lot of nothin'

1. I walked the dogs today.
2. last week was a hard week.
3. It's finally warming above 40 degrees & we are hoping the old snow in our yard will melt before it snows again.
4. I hate old snow- but love the new stuff.
5. Trent has a program this week. He has a one sentence part with the word "intricate" in it.
6. He doesn't want to say intricate.
7. It feels like I haven't gotten anything done for a week.
8. I am driving the ballet carpool & donating blood this week.
9. I am also spending one morning up at the capitol. I love being at the capitol when the Legislature is in session.
10. Hailey is now writing music with a friend- it's really good!
(I'm not being prejudice- it is good!)
11. I am hoping she lets me post a video.
12. Jack is applying for on-campus college housing soon.
13. He turns 18 next month - when did that happen?
14. Brian has been gone for 465 days.
15. He should be home in 265. No - I am not counting. What makes you think that?
16. I talked to megan on the phone for an hour or so this morning. she is good :)
17. I sent a whole lot of good mail last week & it helps with the winter blues.
18. It feels like spring is just around the corner!
19. I can't think of anything to make for dinner.
20. If I don't have dinner planned in my mind by mid morning-- it's not good.
21. I lost my pedometer. already!?
22. I made it to church yesterday & subbed in primary :)
23. I am taking my scouts on a big field trip this week.
24. It's nice to be busy- again.


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I am glad you're back to blogging and I hope this week is much better for you than last week was.

shannon said...

That doesn't sound like a whole lot of nothin' to me! You're life seems a heck of alot more interesting than mine right now!--I'm in a slump!--I need spring to get here already...I enjoy the season changes because it always gives me something to look forward to...

John and Misty said...

Thanks so much for subbing in Primary. We have missed you! (But you're doing so awesome in scouts) Hope you have a better week. You are amazing!

Kristy said...

Glad you are back!!!!

patsy said...

shannon- I guess that's what I'm in- A slump- good word for exactly how I am feeling...

jakenapril said...

i'm feeling the "donewithwinteralreadywhereisspring" blues too. although it sure sounds like you're doing more of "nothing" than i am. glad to see you're back at the blogging thing. 'preciate it.

Karrie said...

That's a lot of something I you get to go the the Capitol with a totally cool person...who ROCKS!!!!

Kari Sweeten said...

Jack is turning 18? No way! Where did the time go?

wende said...

your whole lot of nothin' sure adds up to a whole lot! :) i know what you mean though, just feels like nothing special, i hate weeks like this. winter is the worst for these weeks. i miss you!

Jill said...

I'm sorry you had a rough week last week. Hopefully this week's spring weather will help you feel better.

michelle said...

I didn't realize that winter was getting me down until we had blue skies and warm days last week. Suddenly I felt GREAT and the contrast was interesting.

Jack is going to be 18??