Monday, February 2, 2009

I'm sick about it!

What is this world coming to?
First-- my FAVORITE magazine shuts down &
Now this????


these are seriously one of my very favorite things of all time.

they've been closing since October & I am just finding out about it??


See what happens when you try not to eat so much junk food? (I should've known that was a bad idea- )now the stores are probably all out.

I am devastated.

did anyone else know about this?

why wasn't something done?

so sad


Karolynn said...

This is not good news at all. Our birds eat these for a treat. They are so yummy and during the 4th of July they have the red white and blue ones. My life is over!

Kristy said...

I knew about the cookies I think I saw it on the news awhile back but now I can't remember how I know. Sad news for sure! I think all the Mother's cookies are done if I am not mistaken.

Rachel said...

Oh, what horrible news! Those were my favorite treat in college (you know, after eating such healthy things as 1/2 a Marie Calender's frozen peach cobbler for dinner - ahem) - such fond memories! I feel your pain, my favorite mommy magazine (Wondertime) is also shutting down. So depressed!

Beth said...

I think I am going to be sick! I had no idea. My favorite cookies too! So sad.

She Loves To Make said...

Serious? Why would they get rid of those? That does stink. I haven't had one of those cookies for a long time.

jakenapril said...

no way! what? oh, patsy, thanks for passing along this tasty bit of info. i had no idea. i guess that's what happens when i don't watch the news. i need to go and try to find them...and soon!
p.s. who doesn't love them?!?

Janae said...

This is a sad day...these seem like they have been around forever and should be! I wonder if it is too late to try and stock up and freeze a bunch?

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I saw in the store that Keebler is now making a cookie that looks just like the Mother's ones... I haven't tried them yet, but I am hoping they are just as good.

shannon said...

That's IT!!! Seriously! What IS this world coming to?:( I never thought I'd see the day when those cookies would be extinct! Those were always my favorite cookie growing up (and girl scout Samoas--or if we're being politically correct "Caramel Delights")

How did you even find out?
I'm going to the store later this afternoon to do some investigating!

wende said...

this is sad. i love those things. i love a bunch of mother's cookies. i officially cannot survive a depression if thee are no mother's cookies to help me through it.

i'll keep my eyes peeled for you.

Jill said...

Say it isn't so! I love these cookies!!

Holly said...

I didn't know that either! I'm crushed!! Those are the best, best, best forms of pure sugar goodness.

Hailey said...

HA! sorry mom, but i say good riddance. i hated those cookies. . .

Janae said...

Patsy~ your own daughter hating these cookies? What have you been teaching her;)

michelle said...

Marc told me about this way back in October -- he heard about it on the news or something. I immediately went to the store to see if they had any left. Not on the regular cookie aisle, but they did have some on the Halloween aisle. I still have a few left in an open bag, but they're probably stale by now...

Anonymous said...

What?! I had no idea! Very sad, indeed!