Saturday, February 7, 2009

saturday cub scouts

Today I got up before everyone else...
YES Trent & Brett were still asleep (that never happens)
to go to 4 HOURS of cub scout training.
Did you read that right?
It was VEry informative & I learned a lot. Having been a scout leader before & having 3 boys- I already knew a lot about scouts, even still I learned some valuable things.
The #1 thing I learned (well, I already knew this-) is people who teach cub scout or any scout training are very serious about it- VERy SERIOUs about it. I'm talking borderline nutso.
Anyway, although I am glad I went, it kind of threw off my day.
I came home & took a nap. {hailey is the new proud owner of a driver's permit!)
Later that night Hailey drove us all (chloe was bbsitting & jack was with friends) to cafe rio to get pork salads. I can't remember the last time I ate here- it's been tooo long. I missed you.
Hailey is a pretty good driver- really!
Here's trent & I in the back... being brave- Brett is really good at taking our kids out to practice driving- I am not. I will hope they don't hold it against me. It brings back memories of my dad teaching me how to drive. We only had stick shift cars & he would mumble under his breath - well, hell, there goes the transmission. Whenever I think about it I laugh out loud. so funny!

After cafe rio we rolled on into Barnes & Noble. Oh how I love that place! I could wander for hours, but not with mister hyper here- who kept running down the isles whenever he found something. Oh boy. We went over etiquette in a book store- again.

On our way home we stopped in Target- JUST TO GET MILK.
Wandering around for a bit.... look what they had in stock-

Not the bundle- just the wii fit. Every time I go to target they are sold out. I thought they were tonight but just before we were leaving the electronics section I saw a worker putting one in the case- this one was in the stock room & no one had put it out yet. There were two more & they would "surely be gone before the end of the night"
So we bought it!
Happy day- Now I get to stand on a pad that tells me I'm overweight- and mocks me with a little fat girl- why did we buy this again? I'm NOT getting on it-

* how was your Saturday?
* are you a chubby wii?
* Have you ever had cafe rio?
* are you over the top into scouting?


she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

Four hours of training sounds pretty intense... Cafe Rio is the best.

Kristy said...

Scout Training.....can't get better than that! I can't believe how serious some of the scout people are...I use to have to go to dinners with Kelly and the people would scare me a bit!

Driving with teenagers.....I am the one to drive with them since I am the nicer of the 2 of us. I am glad I have a while before Kyle drives....I don't need gray hair right now!

Yeah you found a Wii fit and you didn't have to sin!! Impressive!

michelle said...

I am so impressed that you did the training! When I was a cub scout leader, I conveniently could never make it... I had been to roundtable and seen the "borderline nutso" stuff in action. I just knew I couldn't handle the four hours.

Cafe Rio, B&N and Target all in one day? Niiiiice.

wende said...

rich and i ate cafe rio last night too! pork salads even - i haven't eaten there in forever. it was yum-O.

you don't have to register yourself as a "mii" on the wii, you can just play the games. the registering is just if you want to know and keep track of your progress. and by the way, my 'mii" is so chubby, i'm pretty sure i coined the phrase "chubby mii". there's no way that your mii would be chubbier than mine.

Jill said...

The combination of getting up early on a Saturday and 4 hours of Cub Scout training sounds like my personal Hell. Several people came to mind when you referred to some of the scout people as being borderline nutso...borderline is a kind way of labeling them.

shannon said...

You guys and your Cafe' Rio!--I'm so jealous! I've never actually been but I salivate on most Fridays when I see pictures of the food that Michelle and Jill post on their blogs!

I can't imagine 4 hours of cub scout training!

I'v had many of those "I'm just going in for milk" moments.
So funny about the Wii--I cracked up! Is there really a fat girl
that mocks? How obnoxious!

Karrie said...

Wow Scout training...I could have told you nutso heaven there. I hate most dyed in the wool scout lovers...I have never met a normal one yet. You get extra points in heaven for going.

I'm with you on the Wii's not worth doing the body test to let it tell you that you are overwieght...I hate mine...I really don't want to hear it from a video game.

You also got extra nice Mom points for buying it though.

Janae said...

This is a MAJOR Saturday...up early...cub scout training...oh my!!
I would just do the wii games for fun and forget about the little mii's!
You guys are gonna have tons of fun with it:)

Holly said...

I am SO coming to Utah one day to meet you and eat at Cafe Rio. Sounds like my kind of place.

Three cheers for your early morning as cub scout mom and brave rider in teenage driven car. My dad ALWAYS made me nervous and license unworthy when took me to practice.

Beth said...

Go Hailey! Cracked me up about your Dad mumbling about the transmission.... so funny! Sounds just like him!!!

I am not even commenting on my chubby mii.

We will have to hook up online together... I rock at the ski jump! (but I haven't tried it on the couch yet... I love that post! sooo funny, I was laughing out loud)