Wednesday, February 4, 2009

wednesday what's up

Goodnews... shannon & aimee & kim sue were totally right!!

Keebler is making mother's look alike cookies!
(keebler has the cutest website, click on the words above!!)
Hurray- and for being so concerned & diligent about looking into this important matter- I'm running to my local grocery tomorrow morning & sending you each a pack- if I can find them- which I should be able to- right?

This way we can talk cookies & really "know" what we are talking about :)

This week is "early out week"for the elementary & "late start" for the High school. Oh my. It's okay. I can do hard things :). Seriously, someone on the administration level WAS NOT THiNking!!

Trent in all his excitement has been home & will be home everyday at 1:30 instead of 3:30. Jack in all his sleepiness has been sleeping in, getting up just before trent leaves & heading out the door at 9:15. That means I have a severely shortened work day, if you know what I mean?

One thing you need to know about trent- he hates, HATES going to the store. He always has... even as a baby. So I have tried to get anything & everything done as far as errands go before he gets home. Today I just couldn't get it all done so lucky for us Trent's sweet buddy lily came along to ease the errand tension. she really did the trick. Isn't she a cutie?!

When Lily went to piano- trent & I went to cub scouts.

Tonight we had yummy hawaiin meatballs for dinner, watched American Idol, worked on our taxes (brett did that) found out we have paid a lot of tax this year....

then look what arrived at my door!

JANAE THE baking wonder brought these amazing mini chocolate cupcakes!

For the first time in my whole life I cannot eat something because it truly is too cute & I don't want to ruin it. Chloe has just told me I am so lucky to have friends that are always bringing me something... (sky brought me a german chocolate cookie yesterday) She says she wants to be "cool" like me & my friends & do nice things for her friends-- but she can't--- she doesn't have any money & the money she does have she is saving for college. It's rough being a kid.

(she's already "cool", she made cupcakes on sunday & is ALWAYS making nice things for her friends... she just wants a cupcake & I won't let anyone have one)

Today I did 5 loads of laundry, changed the bedding on trent's bed, made pancakes for breakfast, scrubbed 1/2 of the painted floor, ironed 8 shirts, cleaned one toilet, wiped down three mirrors, fed two dogs twice, ate lunch with my sweetheart, talked to my college roomate marji on the phone, read & did homework with a now "9 1/2" year old, picked up an RX (pure torture 40 minute wait), taught 6 cubscouts about our community, made dinner, ran to the dollar store for cub scout supplies, did the dishes, I'm sure I'm forgetting something-- I don't know about you- but I am TIREd.

*how was your wed.?


Jill said...

I've never heard of Early Out Week before, and I really don't want to experience it. I hate early out Monday so very much even though it's only 1 hour earlier it feels like the time just flies by.

You were mighty productive for a gal with a shortened day!

Jill said...

I forgot to say how incredibly cute those cupcakes are. I say take lots of pictures so they're properly documented and then eat them before they dry out!

Beth said...

Lily, Trent in all his excitement, mini cupcakes, great friends, Brett doing taxes, Jack sleeping in, pink and white cookies, cub scouts, Chloe working her way into your heart for a cupcake.... you are just surrounded by some really adorable and blessed things. Sounds like you focus on all the best things of what could have potentially been a migrain day! Nicely done!

She Loves To Make said...

Early out and late start? Wow! Those mini cupcakes are the CUTEST things! Janae is so creative.

Kim Sue said...

yeah, glad the mystery is solved....and I'm with Jill take a couple more pictures, take that tin to your room, lock the door and dig in!

wende said...

i don't know why early out doesn't really bother me? am i a weirdo? it WAS frustrating today to have to go home early for theraputic thursday.

for a shortened day - you sure seemed to rock on your getting things done list!

and janae's cupcakes. oh. my. gosh. and open them! they are as yummy as they are pretty - i promise! :)

Anonymous said...

Those are so Cute and taste good too! But I didn't say that to get a cupcake. My mom is nice and put one in my lunch.

I love you mom!!!


Karrie said...

I came home today and my yummy cupcakes were all gone....Troy is in big trouble

Karrie said...

I came home today and my yummy cupcakes were all gone....Troy is in big trouble

Cecilia said...

Those mini chocolate cupcakes are soooo cute!

Janae said...

I am so glad those cookies are still available:) you guys are all too nice to me about the cupcakes:) i love that you put one in Chloe's are a good mom!
I am glad that Lily was there to help Trent out with errand day!

wende said...

hey lady, i was just at dick's market yesterday and these are on sale there. also on sale are my other favorite - iced animal crackers.

shannon said...

Hooray for the cookies! :) What a relief! Are we corny, or what?

Those cupcakes look amazing! Is Janae the one who shares the same birthday as me? (I tried to go on her blog but it's private) Tell her happy belated for me--(fellow groundhog)

speaking of're card was such a great surprise! I can't believe you sent me one--it really made my day!

Talk about a multi-tasker! I need to take a nap just reading your list of things you did today!

What a gal!

michelle said...

I'm excited about the Keebler cookies! Now to try them and see if they compare...

I am dying over the cupcakes. I wonder if I could make some that are that unbelievably cute? EAT them.