Tuesday, July 19, 2011

girl's camp, a big check & my day

A couple of days before my birthday the girls left for camp.Girls camp is one of the biggest highlights of the year! This year instead of a traditional "camp" the girls & their leaders went to one of the leader's family cabin & had a "domestic retreat." They cooked together, were taught cooking skills & techniques, learned to knit, went on a hay ride, were very crafty, made necklaces, performed in skits, did aerobics, rode horses, sat around the camp fire, ate lots & lots of ice cream... the leaders rented a soft serve machine- basically they had a blast!! (by the way, I think this is a brilliant idea for girl's camp. the girls came home with their own set of measuring cups, bowls, rolling pin, cook book, knitting needles... brilliant I tell you!- they loved it)
Hailey came home reluctantly a day early (my birthday) because she was one of the finalists for Bountiful's Got Talent- a town close to ours. She was having the best time and hated to leave... but opportunity knocked - she was in the top 13.

She was up 7th out of the 13. It was in the park, the sound system was good & she sounded GREAt. It was so fun to see her shine & we were crossing our fingers & toys that she would place!

Guess what!?

She won 2nd place!!!!

woo hooo hallelujah!

and got a BIG CHECK

We didn't realize that winning a BIG CHECK was on Hailey's 100 list. How fun! Now when we go over our lists at the beginning of the New Year she can cross one off. We have 100 lists (aka:bucket lists) that we go over every January. It was an absolute thrill for all of us. The first place winner was a friend of hers from H.S. who is trying to get on So You Think You Can Dance- who danced. He got through the second round last year & is trying again this summer. It was cool- the top 2 were from out town.

Afterwards we went out for a late birthday dinner & celebration- to chili's.

Brian & Laura came from her softball game & Trent was... freezing.

happy birthday & congratulations

What a great way to spend my birthday!

I also, went to lunch with friends & slacked off on all my chores.

good times


Johnna said...

First of all HAPPY LATE B-Day! We all were thinking of you and hoping that you had a great day. We really knew that you would since you have an amazing family. :) Anyway, wish we could have been there to celebrate. Next: Awesome Hailey, So proud of you! Love you all......

Jill said...

That sounds like an interesting and fun idea for girl's camp, I'm glad the girls got to go.

Woohoo to Hailey for winning her big check! She is so talented, I'm sure she's on her way to the top.

I'm glad you had a good birthday!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

I'm glad you had a great birthday, too, Patsy. Happy Birthday 51 weeks early.

Congrats to Hailey, too! That's incredible.

I love the idea of your girls camp. I like traditional, too, but this sounds like it was a great opportunity. Soft serve machine. That was a great idea, too.

Kristy said...

Hailey ROCKS!!!! I love her singing she is so very talented!

I am glad you had a great birthday!

michelle said...

Great idea for camp! Now that's a camp experience I could really get behind.

I think it would be exciting to get a big check! Congratulations, Hailey.

I'm glad you had a great birthday!

PaD said...

We were thinking of you on your birthday and wishing you were with us.

Congrats on Hailey's big win. Talented family.

wende said...

love domestic retreat for camp - next time i get called as camp director (because you just know it's coming) i'm totally doing that. love it.

and hailey was SO GREAT, she was hands down the best one there and should've won! although i do love matt, what a nice guy. so glad we were there to cheer for her!!

and how do we not have a photo of your birthday lunch? we are crazy. such a fun way to spend your happy day!