Wednesday, February 9, 2011

hope on a target shelf

For the
second week in row...
Megan's baby ultra sound has been postponed due to snow.
I feel for her.
When I was pregnant with Chloe- Brett & I went to the big ultra sound appointment. Right as we got there- there was a huge power outage. I was so upset. We had to postpone a week. I couldn't believe it, it was such a big disappointment. I couldn't wait to see her- to see that she was really there & growing & healthy & yes a girl....
Gosh- I thought one week was bad- but two times being rescheduled?
If only Trent could get to Arkansas, he would totally punch somebody.
It's hard being pregnant!
If it makes you feel any better megs,
according to the good people at Nabisco-- spring is on it's way.


Karolynn said...

Not cool at all. Poor Megan, poor grandma. Yay for spring. I am so ready!

The Taylors said...

Holy Crap! The ultra sound is one of the only things that keeps me going. She should get some sort of a rebate . I'm just sayin!

She Loves To Make said...

I would feel better if you mailed me that package of oreos...jk.
It's all good! Maybe this will make the last half of the pregnancy go by faster :)

Jill said...

How disappointing! Surely the cheerful, spring Oreos should help things...can she get those in Arkansas?

Gail said...

This happened to me with both sets of twins. So, in both cases we did not even find out they were twins until quite late in the game. With the BOYS, we only found out 5 1/2 weeks before they were born, and they told us they were both GIRLS!

Best wishes for an uneventful pregnancy and birth to Megan.

Kim Sue said...

Wow! that is tough!

michelle said...

What a disappointment! Of course, I am so far behind on reading and commenting – now we know that it is a BOY!

Hope on a Target shelf – now that is a great title.