Sunday, February 13, 2011

chloe & I on a Saturday night

Last night Chloe & I went to see BYU Ballet's production of~ Cinderella with her ballet buddies & their moms. Chloe had received the tickets in her Christmas stocking, so we have been planning this for months.
We had a wonderful time!
First we went to dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory in Orem~
De Lish...

and then the ballet on campus.
Oh ya- love that campus.
We didn't take a group photo?
Oh well- thank heavens I got this one- even though it spotlights my lazy eye - drunk look?
Chloe & I came home to
a. Hailey gone on her date to the Valentine Dance at the H.School. (photos to come)
b. Brian off somewhere with his fiancee... ahhh cute...
Brett & Trent who had -
1. finished the laundry (almost)
2. ran to the grocery store to pick up my list
3. picked up the house
4. and finished all the tan squares on the painted floor!
Oh my goodness!
what a couple of great guys...


wende said...

you always talk about the lazy eye? what lazy eye? you're beautiful.

i am so excited you got to have a date with chloe - i love that girl! and i LOVE the byu ballet, i think they have an excellent program. tell us next year and we'll go too!

She Loves To Make said...

What a fun night and what great guys at home!
p.s. love Chloe's red lips :)

Jill said...

How did I get so behind on your blog? I'm sorry.

You are so good about taking your kids to do fun things like this!

michelle said...

You had a girls' night out AND came home to completed chores?? What could be better?