Saturday, March 13, 2010

catching up...

It's been such a busy week.
It feels like a month's worth of activities have happen this week.
We had Brett's sisters & parents here.
We ate lots of yummy food & visited.
It's been way too long since the three of them have been together.
Now that I think about it...
I'm not sure when they've been together without all the kids & spouses.
We did all the Utah type shopping...
and went out to lunch at Rio Grand downtown.
Susannah was an absolute dream to take everywhere.
She is such a doll- we miss her.
Monday night we went to see Hailey in Cats.
I can't even explain how GREat this show is!
It's shocking that a highschool can come close to a show this good.
-It is FANTasTiC-
It's so fun to watch. It's fast paced, the music is great, dancing...

Hailey is still having panic attacks..
yes, it's been a long show for her very worried mom & dad.
But, she is a trooper & keeps on going.
She is my hero- she just keeps doing her best & not letting it get her down.
Keri got her picture taken with one of the stars..
Rum Tum Tummer (sp?)
We are going again tonight - closing night.
Even though it's been a good experience over all, I have to say...
I'm not sad it's coming to an end- not sad at all.
I've been every night but one, when brett took a turn without me.
I love theatre- there is nothing more fun that watching your own children perform.
honestly the stress, it's getting to me
I love that hailey....


Kim Sue said...

i'll be praying for a successful closing night and for sweet hailey

She Loves To Make said...

I hope closing night goes great!
And of course you had to eat at Rio Grande! Yum!!!

Kristy said...

Lucky Keri had her picture taken with the cutie!!! Supposedly Emily had one of these taken too but I have never seen it.

Hurray for Cats being over! I hope things calm down for you guys and Hailey does better. It really great that her Aunts and Grandparents got to see the musical while they were here.....lucky girl!!!!

michelle said...

I didn't know the Rio Grande was still there! I used to go there with friends during college. Good memories...

I sure hope that the end of the play means things easing up for Hailey.

wende said...

the play was fantastic - i WANTED a photo with rum tum tugger (?), but i was too embarrassed to ask, so allie took one instead. :) he sure is a cutie. we loved seeing hailey, ethan recognized her right away which impressed me since all their costumes and make up were so intense!

love that hailey girl!