Wednesday, April 1, 2009

30 for april

1. I hate the smell of peanut butter.
2. I really hate it.
3. I don't eat it almost ever- just because of the smell.
4. Trent is still obsessed with owning a cell phone.
5. Our neighbor told us at church last Sunday that Trent asked him if he could borrow $100 a couple weeks ago.
6. He asked him why? He said he, "needed a blackberry- with a plan."
7. Trent is sitting & reading this list right now with me as I type & just said, "that's what I really want!"
8. I replied, "I know."
9. Jack doesn't want to go to Prom & I am deeply dissapointed.
10. I think you are only young once.
11. He will regret it. Especially when he has a daughter & learns first hand how badly teenage girls want to go to prom.
12. even though I went to the temple yesterday I lost my patience & yelled at my kids last night... pitiful
13. Trent immediately upon walking in the door from school today, "I SET A GOAL!"
14. Me: "WOW- GREAT- what goal did you set?!!"
15. Trent, " I am going to wear this shirt every day this week!"
16. I am overcome with pride.
17. I bought a puzzle for Brett to do during conference.
18. I am working on my quilts.
19. If I don't do something while I listen- boom- I'm out like a light! zzzzzzzz
20. Trent just now... upon walking in from the garage after playing outside, "mom, if you see any strangers or kidnappers- give me a rifle quick!" ?????
21. what in the world? boys?????
22. One of our families favorite shows of all time Even Stevens is back with reruns on the disney channel- we are so happy!
23. I haven't been following American Idol very closely this year....
24. I got so mad the last couple of years when my favorites didn't get picked!!!
25. It's probably better this way. It's just a TV show right?
26. I emailed the blogger moms & told them we are moving for April Fools.
27. I feel bad about it now.
28. I hope they don't kick me out of the blogger moms!
29. I love Easter but all this snow- has my mind in seasonal confusion-
30. I am trying to remember that in 4 months it will be over 100 degrees!


Beth said...

I love your April fools joke! Too funny!

Karrie said...

P.s. I really love you and I'm glad you're not moving...but if you do ever have to I won't help you move...unless there is food involved.

jakenapril said...

what a great list. and i'm sure those nice blogger mom friends will understand. really, i think they will.

i love that trent wanted to borrow $ from your neighbor. he's a kid with a plan!

you are too funny.

Janae said...

You are so lucky that was a joke! We were going to have to come over and duct tape you all in your house;)

wende said...

i'm with janae, you're getting toilet papered this weekend for sure! :)

i know i say this every month, but, i love your lists. and i think jack should definitely go to the prom. even if he doesn't want to. didn't he learn anything from twilight? edward made bella go because "prom is a right of passage".

i can't believe i just typed that - cullen wisdom? what the hell is that?

shannon said...

How funny that Trent asked the neighbors for $--I'm curious as to what their response was!--Were they totally caught off guard?

Everytime I go to the temple, I turn into a bit of a witch when I finally make it home (6 hour round trip drive will do that to ya!)
I always feel guilty that I can't incorporate the feeling that I get when I'm in the temple into my home... :( I have mother guilt on a daily basis...

Trent's "goal" cracked me up...
It reminds me of a recent conversation I had with Jake--we were going over scout requirements to become a wolf and one of the things on the list was to have a collection of something...
He proudly declared that he had a big bokugan collection-- :( (I was hoping for something a little more noble like...STAMPS or COINS or FEATHERS for pete's sake!--not those silly, mindless, pointless, BOKUGANS!!)

I konk out, too, if I'm not doing anything--My definition of relaxing is folding a heap of laundry while watching TV

I'm an Idol fan...(not as much as I used to be)--Are you watching it at all this year?

Kristy said...

Jack needs to listen to Wende's Cullen wisdom! I have already told my boys they are going to all the boy's choice dances and to pay attention to how bad their sister feels when she doesn't get asked.

Love your list!

Your joke was mean....when you answered the phone I thought she is way too happy about this! :)

Jill said...

That's interesting about peanut butter. I don't have an issue with that smell, but have been thinking lately that I really hate the smell of lingering ketchup.

Trent is amusing. Things must never be dull at your house.

Taking notes helps me stay awake during Conference, otherwise I get a little too cozy and start to lose focus.

Why doesn't Jack want to go to prom?? It's a right of passage, it's part of high school, it's great!

Kim Sue said...

maybe if you get everyone in your house to set a personal goal you won't have to do laundry this week :o)