Friday, April 3, 2009

winter is getting me down

I know it's April 3rd... You know it's april 3rd... but somehow Mother Nature hasn't clued in yet. It snowed off & on all week- ALL WEEK. I know I should'nt complain, we are not flooded like so many people in the Dakotas, we need the rain, yada yada yada. StILL. I got up this morning, saw the snow & I've been dragging all day. To top it off- spring break has officially begun. More snow expected tomorrow.
*is it just me or does extreme unseasonal snow drive everyone crazy?


jakenapril said...

amen. i need me some sunshine and fast.

wende said...

sunshine would be nice. i think the hardest part was that we HAD it, and then winter came BACK! sort of a little tease and then mother nature said "PSYCH!" like in the eighties.

i'm with you, can we get some sunshine puh-lease!

Rachel said...

It's been miserable here, too. The sun comes out a little tiny bit - just to tease me, though. And then it snows some more. Sounds like Conference weekend has come just in the nick of time!

Jill said...

I think it's been hitting everyone this way. We're all ready for spring, and this weather is heinous.