Friday, April 17, 2009

first day in the city ~ thursday april 9th aka:longest post ever!

I cannot begin to tell you how nice our hotel was.
Everything was perfect.
Lucky for us we stayed on hotel points Brett had accumulated.
I have no idea how much it really costs to stay here.
{chloe's breakfast... I wonder if she ate all that?}
After breakfast we jumped into our rental car & headed to the train station.

There are so many beautiful old homes & neighborhoods in the East.
NOt that there aren't in Utah- but homes are different in the East.
Different architecture, etc. I loved seeing these. It makes me want to move, for a second.

We were lucky to have a beautiful sunny day.
Little did we know- this would be our only sunny day.
It was absolutely gorgeous.

Trent was beside himself with excitement to get onto the train into the city.
It's a 39 minute ride from the Bay Street station to Penn Station.

Penn station is right near Madison Square Garden.
We immediately, hopped on one of these. As Shannon told me... it was worth the price. The tour was a blast, so informative & the kids loved being on top of the double decker bus. It was such a gorgeous day!
The hop on hop off bus is such a fantastic way to see the whole city. You can get off & back on where ever you like, that way you don't end up killing yourself (as much) walking or paying a taxi. The local bus is good-- but

first stop- the Empire State Building.
We didn't go up because we were planning on going to the top of the Rock-
The views were incredible even from below!
I hear it's $25 for an adult to go up, a little less for kids.
OUCH- hey it's New York- of course it's pricey!
the Flat Iron building.
I love this building. How many times have you seen this baby in photos?
I didn't know but learned on the tour that this is right near the famous scene with Marilyn Monroe & her skirt flying up in the Seven Year Itch.
I would love to go in here someday.
The spring trees & flowers were so beautiful.

It really is amazing how clean & friendly this city is.

(what the heck? are those wrinkles on my neck?)
The tour guides on these are really great- this guy was our favorite.

WE went through the fashion district, SOHo, China town, Little Italy & on & on.
it's amazing how quickly one district/neighborhood to another change in this town. It's really such a small bit of space with so much going on. One block may have one type of architecture & business going on - the next completely different.
He went through & explained all the different neighborhoods, how their names came about- the whole history
I don't know why but it cracks me up that there is a Best Buy in there.
Trent about had a heart attack & wanted to go in? why??
to buy a laptop of course!
He also begged to go into the big city HOme Depot?
we have a home depot in our town!

I love seeing all the old buildings.
The detail on every thing is really stunning.
I wish the pictures could do justice.
NO trip to NYC for me would be complete with out a stop here.
One of my very favorite stores of all time & I'm not really a shopper- so that is saying a lot!
Even though I continually beg on their website- they haven't built a store in Utah, yet.
It is probably a good thing....
We hopped off the bus at the
World Trade Center stop.
There is really nothing to see right now. It's all under construction. Nothing there but a fenced work site. Not even a small memorial like there used to be. It looks like they are making progress, but these things take a lot of time. So sad.

Many people don't realize it but directly across the street- right there across from where the twin towers used- to be is a VEry old little church.
It wasn't harmed at all that day. A miracle. It's where the firefighters & people went for weeks after - well, there are many cathedrals & churches where people went, but this is the closest to all the workers, fire fighters, etc.

As you can see here-
it's where President George Washington went to pray after his inauguration. It's amazing that this building is here & in such good condition.

Firefighters from all over the world stop here & bring their station's patch.
They pin it here as a show of unity & respect. I know I will get the story wrong so I don't want to directly quote it, but during church services (I think I'm getting this right?) the pastor wore patches people had left. Now there are hundreds.

We decided to eat lunch before hopping back on the bus.This place Oliva was next to our bus stop & full of different ethnic food.
Plus a bakery.

Can you believe we didn't get anything from the bakery?
NOw that I think about it, chloe asked for something... it was busy, crowded. DArn it.
I need to get my priorities in order!

I got a spinach, Turkish Panini with taziki sauce.
The kids shared Gyros & pizza. MMMMmmmmm

On our wait for the next bus we had a great conversation with the grey line employee, who had the best New Jersey accent. The kids were glued to his every word. Then- look here- trent saw a cement truck!

Trent's career goals have adjusted on this trip- besides being a cement truck driver... he is going to be a pilot & fly airplanes.

Trent spent the whole time in the city looking for Ben Bailey & the Cash Cab.

No luck. It's a wonder we didn't lose the little guy. He was constantly walking to the edge of streets looking intently at mini van cabs to see if his numbers were on it. You have to understand-. these are busy streets, people walking- bustling around. You can't just stop & look at cabs with out ruining the walking mojo.

Wall Street
Battery Park
There are always All kinds of people in Battery Park.
It's where you get in line buy tickets to ride the ferry over to Liberty Island & Ennis Island.
One thing we learned right away- we were not the only ones here on spring break.
this place was PACked. It's always packed, but still- it was much busier than the two previous times brett & I had been here. The wait was 3 hours for the tickets & then you waited to get on the ferry. At this point in the day there was no guarantee we would get on so we decided to try again later.
Jack bought a pair of sunglasses- $5.

and trent got a toy cab & tour bus
double sweet.

We headed past the Sea Port & uptown.
This is Rockafeller plaza & yep there is still ice skating going on.
The kids kept commenting on all the movie scenes they have seen from here over the years. It's so true. This place reminded them of Elf.We thought we would try to get in on the NBC studio tour-
and head up to the top of the Rock- Rockafellor Center.
NO luck- I guess the were not running because of spring break??
what? I was not happy- don't they want the tourism money? dang- I was so dissapointed!WE did see all kinds of crazy fun stuff in the NBC store where Sienfeld was playing.

Jack was loving it.
There were hilarious products from all our favorites.
Great stuff here.

Our next stop?!
American Girl

I was so excited to take the girls here.
It's three stories of little girl/doll- madness or joy- depending on how you look at it.

Not everyone shared my enthusiasm.
I had to explain that this was on my 100 list
with tears in my eyes... fits were being thrown & not just by me- it had been a long day.
I explained- if nothing else--- we can stop here & go to the bathroom!

THis really cracked me up.
In the bathroom stalls are doll holders.
This is serious business.

Trent wanted me to take this picture of him for Lily.

the bitty baby area is my favorite.
I love that bitty baby!

She has a new cupcake birthday outfit.
So darn cute.
Somehow my 15 & 12 year old weren't that excited...
why did my girls grow up so fast?
We were here a couple of years too late...
This place too was PACKEd with spring breakers who had dinner reservations & hair appointments. You could hardly walk around.
and yes, after the fit I threw... we saw a lot of little precious girls throwing fits too.

The wait to get your
DOlls hair done?
2 hours!

up the street we went to St. Patrick's Cathedral. Mass was just starting & I wish it would'nt have been so crowded. I used to go to Mass sometimes with my neighbor growing up & she would come to primary with me. It would have been so good for the kids. In NYC here when there is Mass it looks like there is some kind of terrorist threat going on or something. The police & swat team are all here in front of the front steps... just in case, I don't know what?

these guys are so nice- and so willing to take pictures etc.
He was nice & looked up the address to Dylan's Candy Store for us.
He would'nt let the kids sit on his motorcycle though- he said he only lets hot chicks do that.

Down the street we headed into the Trump Tower-
we happen to love The Apprentice- so that was a treat!

Then FAO Shwartz-

I can't believe I didn't take more pictures here?
It's like a major toy time overload...
this batman & jack were in the lego section.
Right outside of FaO is the Coolese Apple store ever.
You can't really tell from the photo, but it's a glass structure with an apple on it.
You walk in a glass door, down steps to a HUGE apple store. REally impressive.
Everywhere we went were beautiful spring flowers.

Carnegie Hall

David Letterman was on Hiatus...
I guess everyone needs a spring break?
Right next door- Angelo's Pizza.
We have eaten here every time we have come to the Big Apple.
It is so GOOOd.
Walking upstairs to the dining room I took this shot of guys making pizza.

there is NOThing like real NY pizza- YUM

After dinner we walked another three blocks to the Gershwin theatre...

to see
THIS was just the first day-
Now you know why I am wiped out & trying to catch up & it took me so long to post!
What a great time- more to come-


Johnna said...

WOW! That is all I can say, WOW!

She Loves To Make said...

I can't believe the girls weren't ecstatic to be in the American Girl Store! The pictures from there are so cute! AND you can get your dolls hair done? So cute.
I really want to go to the NBC store now! Dad's picture with the 'more cowbell' is so funny.
I can't wait to see the rest of the pictures!

shannon said...

I am BEYOND thrilled to see this post!--I was hanging on your every word!--I'm so glad the double decker bus worked out for you guys...Both times I've been on it, I really felt like I got a great overview of the city...

I was smiling thinking about how nice of a day Friday was for you but sad about the rest of the weather...:( It did not cooperate!

That's a real bummer that you weren't able to go on an NBC tour or do Letterman...

I always love spring in NY--Park Ave is especially beautiful with all of the tulips...(they actually replace them every year and will let you take some of the bulbs after they are spent if you want)

I always looked forward to seeing what color combination they would come up with...

I'm looking forward to seeing the second part of the Messer excursion...

P.S.--I have yet to send you a written thank you...(I posted about your cute good mail a few days ago)--I'll get one out in a day or were so kind to think of me... :)

Jill said...

Holy Cow, that was an unbelievable first day! I would have been completely wasted, but possibly running on adrenaline. Your kids are so lucky to get to do all of this!

Gail said...

Wow, you did so much. What a fun trip for the kids. You also reminded me to put the American Girl Place on our adgenda for our California trip, before Morgan & Lexi decide they are too old. I will never be too old for the American Girl Place (and I don't think Blair will be either, she just might not admit it to her friends.)

Holly said...

You had me at the hotel breakfast :)

What a fun trip!

wende said...

holy smokes, good job getting the huge first day documented. i never finished the disneyland trip posts because the first few were so overwhelming - they take a ton of time to get up!

i can't believe you did so much on your first day! i love that you did a double decker bus, i've ALWAYS wanted to ride on one! and what great weather to do it in!

did you buy a dwight bobble head? i'm loving all those photos of the NBC store - what an awesome place. i would've been ticked about the NBC tours too, what a bummer.

and wicked, oh man, i'm beyond jealous, GREEN with envy. he he. that was a wicked joke just incase my sarcastic tone didn't come through.

i say next new york trip you take is with blogger moms instead of kids. :) brett would go for that right? i just want you as a tour guide, and to see wicked of course.

wende said...

oh ya, and one more thing. i think that hook on the wall of the AG bathroom is genius! i think we should invent hooks like that for moms to hang their kids when they go potty so their little toddler hands to touch everything in the stall. ...and maybe also, time out? oooo, maybe we need big hooks for onry teenagers too. i think AG is on to something here.... :)

i'm really kidding, you know that right? i would never hang ethan on a hook. :)

Holly said...

Oh my! I can't believe y'all did ALL that in ONE day!! Wow, y'all saw so many cool sights and shops and saw a musical. I don't think I could have done all that in one day, but thanks for letting me tag along through your blog. :)

I can't wait to visit NYC someday!

Beth said...

Yipee! What a great post!
The pictures turned out great and so creative too! I love the buildings!!

Your brother couldn't figure out WHY NYC? Beyond his brain capacity! I can't wait to show him the 1st day!

Thanks for sharing sis!

Rachel said...

What an awesome day! I would have thrown fits in the American Girl store, too ... Charlotte has two (hand me down from her cousins) AG dolls with some clothes, and while she's only just starting to get into playing with them, I have been *dying* to buy them some new stuff! I draw the line at spending more money on my daughter's dolls' wardrobe than on hers and mine combined :)

And is that a life-size Batman made of LEGOS?! Holy heck, that is probably one of the coolest things I've ever seen!

Kim Sue said...

Yipee! Looks like SO much fun! I was there with my mom and sister a couple of years ago and we took the double decker and I recommend it to lots of people. I think it is well worth the money. Did you take a night tour on one? That was super cool too.

Janae said...

Wow, awesome marathon post!
nothing at that bakery?? that looked way too good...oh and that pizza...amazing...
That american girl store looks so fun, i would love to go, but know i have at least one girl who would not have loved it.
What a great post and trip!

Janae said...

Wow, awesome marathon post!
nothing at that bakery?? that looked way too good...oh and that pizza...amazing...
That american girl store looks so fun, i would love to go, but know i have at least one girl who would not have loved it.
What a great post and trip!

Kristy said...

I so want to go to New York now!! I love the pictures!

I especially love the house picture. I love the look of the houses back East.

What a super fun trip. Your kids will remember this trip for the rest of their lives. What a great experience for them.

Can't wait for more NY posts!

Jamie said...

I just wanted to say THANKS for the great card!

I just spent the last hour reading your blog and it looks like an awesome time in NYC. I have never been though I want to.

My girls love Cash Cab and I know my oldest would be doing the same thing your son did - looking for the cab everywhere.

I hope you're enjoying the card swap. Feel free to stop by my blog!

lauri said...

Patsy, it was so fun reading about your trip! Even though there were some frustrating moments, it looks like it was a GREAT experience. You'll look back on it and appreciate having that time with your family.
Love ya! Looking forward to Thursday!

michelle said...

Wowza, what a day!! You guys had one heck of a Spring break!

I'm cracking up that Trent wanted to stop and get a laptop.

And I can't believe they still had the ice rink at Rockefeller Plaza!