Wednesday, March 9, 2011

the best day of his life?

We've done a lot of fun things as a family over the years.
Disneyland, NYNY- just to name a few...
Last night Trent's coughing grew to a higher level.
He just didn't stop until the early hours of the morning.
I let him sleep in (7:45 AM for Trent) and made an appointment as soon as the pediatrician's office opened. I kept questioning myself- but thought at the very least we would come away with some decent cough medicine?
I'm glad we went because the doctor took an extra long time listening to his lungs & said- Trent has a bit of pneumonia on the left side. Mother of the year? NOT
We stopped at the store- and while waiting for his RX, I bought him lots of juice, frozen mac & cheese, & the ridiculously priced crayola crayon sharpener he has been begging me to buy him for over a year.
When we got home I insisted he lay on the couch. He ate lunch on the "sick tray" and watched T.V. for about half hour. Next he proceeded to talk incessantly & bug me to go play outside. I told him I needed to get my chores done & he was supposed to rest... He decided he wanted to help me & offered to clean the toilets- because he loves that job? After the morning I had had- not to mention NO sleep last night- Plus Brett has been out of town since Sunday- I just didn't have the patience for that. I told him he could wash mirrors.
Hailey got home from school & upon hearing the big, sick news- said:
"Oh Trent, I'm so sorry you're sick."
His reply?
"I'm not sick, I'm lucky. This is the best day of my life."
Well there you go!
Who knew.
Unfortunately tonight- he doesn't feel so good.


Johnna said...

Gotta love that kid! Tell Trent we hope he gets better real soon.
Love you all!

wende said...

for YOUR sake, i hope trent feels better soon! REAL soon!

She Loves To Make said...

I agree with Wende, hope he gets better soon :)

Jill said...

I'm wondering which part of the day made it the best day of his life?

michelle said...

Ha! I wish sick days were the best days for my kids! They have so many of them. I'm glad Trent is feeling better now.