Monday, January 24, 2011

two months of privacy

It has been two months since I took this blog into privacy.
I still wonder if I did the right thing.
Missionary Jack mentioned a while back that he had given someone my blog address... huh.
I didn't tell him I was private.
I am not being "more honest."
Like I thought I would.
For instance- I haven't written once about the struggles I am having internally- or those with my family that i don't even feel I can write about
It's a good life.
Even if sometimes it's hard.
I guess that's how I choose to see it & write about it.
It's almost like- if I don't write about problems
they may go away
get better
Denial? I don't know?
It's personal - it's just personal.
So as you read this blog remember that- It's not always family dinners & holidays here. But it is always family & it is always important & it is always personal.


Beth said...

I get it :) I journal that way too... I think I only want to remember the good stuff! (I don't think it's denial, ha ha ha). Even though they say it helps to remember and record how you got through trials to maybe help yourself the next go round... it's much harder to put that into words. Your doing great. And I think your readers, especially since you have gone private and know they are all friends and family that love you... know that it's just a glimpse into your family and your life and personal thoughts. And for me... I LOVE it!! And appreciate ever dinner and holiday and photo and the words that I can sometimes read between the lines and just know how hard, (but yet can so totally relate) it is to be the mom/wife/sister/friend sometimes (and how much joy it is too)! It's all good! Love you and sending you BIG HUGS!!!

Jill said...

It's interesting that going private didn't end up making you feel like you could write more honestly. It's understandable though, I think we all have a filter and can't put the really personal, life-crisis stuff on there especially since most of it involves family members who actually read the blog.

Karolynn said...

I love your blog. You are just an amazing person.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

"It's not always family dinners & holidays here. But it is always family & it is always important & it is always personal."

Now that was plain poetic. I like that line very much.

I remember Pres. Kimball teaching us (actually emphasizing again and again and again)about journal keeping. He told us to be honest but he also told us we didn't need to hang out the dirty laundry. It's a hard thing knowing exactly what is dirty and what is just wrinkled and needs to be hung. I hear you on trying to find the balance.

PaD said...

We could have so much more fun if life didn't get in the way.

wende said...

some stuff is just too personal. thats the way it goes.

i love you.

Holly said...

I think I get what you're saying. Even though you went private, even a private blog is still quite open. Blogging is or can be a great outlet but we still edit ourselves--and that's okay.

I've recently tried to go back to my journals and write in them daily (or close) and that helps get some of my *stuff* out of my mind for clarity.

Other things though are often better mulled over in our minds--and prayed about--or maybe talked over with a trusted friend and not *out there* in a journal or blog.

Love your line though about family dinners...

michelle said...

"It's not always family dinners & holidays here." I am actually quite glad to hear that, Patsy!

I just love your blog. (Even if I do forget to read it on a regular basis. Sorry. I just have a block with the private blogs.)