Monday, January 17, 2011

sew happy

This year for Christmas my mom surprised me with a wonderful & expensive gift!
She was here for the Nutcracker & not happy with my current sewing machine.
Hooray for mom- because she bought me this beauty!
I was thrilled & overwhelmed & extremely intimidated.
Lucky for me- the store she ordered it from has classes on how to use the machine.
(remember I mentioned a while ago that I am taking a night class.) I'm taking a sewing class on how to use my new machine. It has been so much fun. I am learning so much I never knew, I never knew!
(notes on fabric)
It's crazy to think I have been sewing for so long without knowing so many things!
I feel like a beginning sewer all over again. The class is once a week - 3 hours each- for 4 weeks. I can only hope & pray I don't forget everything. Lucky for me you can take the class as many times as you want.
Get a load of this...
My dear friend Sky- just happened to buy the exact same machine!
She & I are taking the class together & are planning on sewing at the store once a week- even after the class is over. This has been a huge bonus- going with a friend- although the first week the teacher threatened to separate us for talking too much... oops.
*when was the last time someone told you to stop talking or be seperated?
*do you sew?


PaD said...

I'm glad you like it.

Gail said...

I am SEW happy for you that you have a new sewing machine. I love to sew and wish I had time to do more. Your quilts are beautiful by the way.

wende said...

so fun that you can go with sky to the class! it's always more fun with a friend.

i need to sew more. but i'm afraid of my fabric addiction getting even more out of hand if i have a "justified" reason for buying it! :) rich barely survived the heartland paper company days.

She Loves To Make said...

Wow! I can't wait to see some of the new things you make with this machine. haha and I haven't been in trouble for talking in class for a long, long time. That's hilarious!

Jill said...

What a great gift, that's so exciting that you're learning so many new things. What a score that Sky is in that class too! I can totally imagine you two being loud enough that the teacher threatened to move you. How funny.

Kristy said...

Maybe one day I will make friends with my sewing machine! This sewing machine is the perfect gift for you! Can't wait to see what you create.

michelle said...

ooh!! A new Bernina! I have been pining after one of those ever since I learned to quilt in Seattle... nearly 20 years ago!