Monday, January 3, 2011


For Christmas Trent was given a McDonald's gift card from a friend.
Very generous, if you ask me.
Especially considering that friend got a small bottle of root beer from Trent.
(I love this photo)
Last week Trent & I decided to invite that friend to lunch with us.
Just the three of us...
until these guys found out where we were going.
It worked out pretty well, considering the two "big boys" didn't want to sit anywhere near us. We had to sit on the other side of the restaurant.
did you know a McDonald's apple pie is one of my favorite things?
seriously- how do that do that for .50??


Holly said...

Looks like fun!

Are their apple pies really only .50? probably shouldn't have told me that. :)

Brit said...

50 cents is pretty good, but nothing can beat your apple pie!

She Loves To Make said...

I agree with Brit, your apple pie is incredible.
I wish I could have gone with you guys! I'm not ashamed that I love Mcdonalds hamburgers :)

Kim Sue said...

my carly loves those apple pies - we occasionally go through the drivethru for 2 - one for her snack and then one for breakfast the next morning.

Jill said...

What a great gift to give a kid! I would have gone berserk over a gift card like that as a kid!

wende said...

fun fun gift idea.
i love his polo shirt buttoned all the way to the top. and that they didn't want to sit anywhere near you. :)

and i don't even LIKE apple pie, and i love yours. so i don't think i'm brave enough to try mcd's. BUT i love their cherry pie. when they have it. which is not always. and don't they know that when a chubby girl has a craving, it's not NICE to withold the thing she wants. just sayin'.