Tuesday, December 21, 2010

on my mind

1. We get to call Missionary Jack on Christmas. It will be the first time I've spoken live to him since April. I'm tearing up already, just writing this.
2. Karen Carpenter will always remind me of him- (He loves her music.)
3. I can't even count how many times this Christmas season-- I have started FULL ON BAWLING LIKE AN IDIOT because one of her many beautiful Christmas songs were playing...
4. in the car, or in the store......
5. Oh my- how the shoppers must think- How sad, a crying lady at Christmas!
6. Or a disturbed person? (scary, Christmas, shopping, cry lady? Walk away quick!)
7. By the way- karen Carpenter Christmas songs are on - a lot.
8. Or his other favorite- Simply having a wonderful Christmas time by that- ol' Beattle guy. I can't remember his name right now?
9. Funny story- he & Brian were in the BYU Creamery (ice cream shop) last Christmas when the song came on & Jack said to Bri- I love this song. Then a squealing co-ed came around the corner with her roomies & screamed at the top of her lungs -
Jack & Bri looked at each other in fear, then the girl made eye contact with them- was super embarrassed & took off. hahahahaha- I love that story. We laugh & squeal "I love this song!" every time it comes on now. hahahahaha
10. I am surprised how much I like working.
11. I really do.
12. I like the adrenaline rush of speaking to customers- especially when they buy whole sets of cookware!!! wowowowow! it is awesome.
13. I like being told- "You're good at this and GReat Job today!"
14. I had almost forgotten how much I like words of affirmation. Not that I don't get that at home- but let's face it- stay at home moms-no one comes in after we clean something & says- "Hey, good job today! You are so good at this!"
15. I'm NOT complaining - I don't do it either... I'm just saying- it's life - you know?
16. I feel a lot better about Christmas- just in case you were worried?
17. Having all my packages sent off- that's the best.
18. Even though I am working a lot. I still feel like I am spending good time with my family, and I love that.
19. Except Brett- who is working like a CRazy mad man.
20 New Jobs- after being out of work for a couple of months- he is working hard.
I love him & appreciate him
In fact-
"Brett, thanks for doing such a GREat job for the family this past couple of weeks! You are really good at this. It's great having you on our team! You are such a value to our company/family. You are definitely a keeper!"


Jill said...

Oh Patsy, you always make me laugh. You're such a softie and so full of emotion, I can totally picture you crying in the middle of the store because a Carpenter's song came on.

I know what you mean about words of affirmation. I have gotten a number of compliments at my new job too and have been pleasantly lifted up by those words!

michelle said...

The pats on the back, those tangible rewards of working, are what I miss. You just don't get that as a stay at home mom! But it is enjoyable being told that you are a valuable addition to the team. Way to go, telling Brett that!

I love Karen Carpenter's Christmas songs, too! Hooray for being able to talk to Jack soon!

Holly said...

Patsy, I always enjoy your honesty and perspective--and HUMOR. I agree about desperately craving some affirmation--usually not realizing it was missing until you hear it from someone outside the family.
It was sweet what you said about Brett. I'm sure it's hard to adjust to the schedule and demands of a new job--esp. at this time of year--but what a blessing!

KC's voice is silky smooth and haunting. But in a happy way. :)

wende said...

i love karen carpenter! and i will be the same way, i'm SURE, i'm such a softie too. no worries, i'm sure people that see you at the store, know what that's like, to have a tender moment, ESPECIALLY at christmas! i'm so excited for you to get to talk to jack, what an awesome gift!

i'm glad you love to work. forget words of affirmation, it's lovely to get PAID to work. i miss that. working and working and not getting a pay check, you know. i love staying home, but i miss the pay check.

brett, and your children, are lucky to have you. :)

you are great. i'm glad you're on MY TEAM. you are really good and being the most thoughtful person i know. i love you!

patsy said...

I'm using your login...
Thank you so much for all that YOU do! "You are the woman that I always dreamed of....." I love you!

Karrie said...

I love the comment about that Beatles song...now I think the same thing when I hear it. I'm glad you like working...I like it too, but some days I really dream of being home again with no other job, but being a MOM.