Thursday, December 23, 2010

1st day off!

today is my first day off in
I work again tomorrow
the day after Christmas!

On the list today?
1. making & delivering the girl's & Trent's Christmas gifts.
2. asking Brian (very nicely) to gas up my car. (I hate putting gas in my car)
3. a big BREAKfast- french toast- after everyone sleeps in
(except Trent who has been saying "hi" to me since 6:00 AM... #$%*&!)
4. ELF- I will be sad when Christmas is over... ONLY because I will miss watching Elf.
5. laundry & more laundry
6. Cleaning Up-- bathrooms.
7. Dinner with the family & planning out the rest of the week.
8. Put the final touches on my Relief Society lesson for Sunday....

It could be a very long day.
maybe I should call in & see if they need me at work?


She Loves To Make said...

Yay for a (somewhat) day off! French toast breakfast sounds awesome!

Kristy said...

Good luck getting everything done today!

michelle said...

Your day off sounds like my mom's days off! More work, only of a different kind. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas.

Karrie said...

I hope you got all you wanted done...can't wait to see you on Monday!! P.S. what did "blogger santa" bring me?

Kim Sue said...

we love elf too - the first year we bought it, we didn't put it away after Christmas so we watched it several times throughout the year which took some of the specialness away from it. now it gets packed up with the other christmas movies in the dhristmas decorations.