Tuesday, June 1, 2010

30 for june

1. it's been a long day
2. yes, thank heavens! I'm feeling better
3. amazing - since last week I felt like hell. really bad. I'm still a little tired, but oh man so much better
4. funny, Jill commented on yesterday's post... how could I pull off a BBQ if I was sick?
5. HA! brett was thinking the same thing-
6. he took me out of the house to target yesterday, we walked around for 10 minutes & I was wiped. out. hmm? maybe he had a point?
7. so later we went to see WEnde's new house & sat on her new couches.
8. it was glorious to be out of the house.
9. I guess what I really missed yesterday, was that we had no plans & rarely do on holidays unless I work really hard to make it special.
10. I guess sometimes it just stinks knowing you don't have plans & even if you could do something there is no one to do it with anyway. that's just not cool.
11. today scouts was canceled.
12. it's the last week of school, everyone is over the top busy, and I knew I would be exhausted
13. I was right.
14. Besides visiting trent's class to herd a group of kids through rotations of "mountain man" activities... (Thank goodness I sat most of the time watching, I'm not contagious- just tired.)
15. I went to the H.S. talked to teachers & counselors
16. then spent the rest of the day on the phone trying to get doctors on the phone, referrals for doctors and appointments with doctors. (who knew this was so hard to do??)
17. because this weekend Hailey had two seizures-- at home.
18. hard
19. I love hailey
20. i hate seizures
21. so we will be spending some time this summer with doctors.
22. that is if we can get in... ? thank goodness we have health insurance & a are so blessed to live close to Primary Children's Hospital. Sad & shocking -there are so many other kids sick -that there is a line in front of us. It's easy to take good health for granted.
23. What a great hospital- we are so blessed to live close enough to go there!
24. after school, Hailey finished some HUGE homework projects- YAY hailey!
25. Brian finished painting the living room & mowed the front lawn- YAY Bri!
26. He starts his new job tomorrow...
27. teaching at the Provo MTC
28. he is so excited to be teaching an advanced Spanish speaking class of missionaries!
29. today missionary jack emailed & we got a wonderful letter
30. going to bed now....


Kristy said...

I hope you find some answers at the Dr this summer. It is awful when no one can help you or give the answers that need. Hang in there!!

PaD said...

I'm glad you're feeling better.

I hope the Dr.'s can find some help for Hailey

Linda said...

So glad you are feeling better! I'll be keeping Hailey in my thoughts and prayers. What an awesome girl she is!

I know what you mean about holidays. I don't have family around either so unless I go out of my way to make it eventful, it's pretty boring around here...and sometimes I just don't have the energy!

jakenapril said...

i love your lists. they are grrrreat. i, too, am a list girl. and hey, thanks for saying hi to me and my crazy fam at the super tarjay on monday. i love to see you and your cute face. made my day. and teaching at the mtc...awesome! hope you can get into the docs for hailey. she is just so awesome.

hooray for summer and the great weather!

Jill said...

It sounds like you should still be trying to recover and take things easy Miss Patsy! You don't want a relapse, and really if 10 minutes at Target wiped you out then you're not doing so well.

Marie said...

Good luck with doc. We love Primary Childrens. YAY for Summer!

Kim Sue said...

always love your lists..keep saying that I am going to copy this idea but haven't done it yet. glad you are feeling better but it still sounds like you need to take it easy!