Tuesday, June 8, 2010

the missionary today

Today missionary jack flew to the mission home in Maceio.
So... we did not get an email.
I have spent a lot of my day
clicking "inbox" on my hot mail account.
but nothing.

I miss him terribly.
I know he was excited to get on the plane.
Right now (7:00 PM Utah time) he is surely in bed Brazilian time at the mission home- safe.

I wonder if he knows I can't stop thinking about him?
I hope not.
I just want him to have the time of his life & work hard.
He gave out several pass along cards on the flight to Brazil, before he was even a real missionary. I wonder how the flight there was?
I wonder what his apartment will be like?
What food will he eat?
Will his companion be Brazilian? Will they be able to communicate?
I can't help but feel heavy today.
He has left the safety of the training center.

My prayer:
Please Heavenly Father, send your guardian angels to guide & protect him. I know they have been with him to this point, but I can't help asking. Please keep him safe. Don't let him go hungry, he is so skinny he can't stand to lose any weight. Help our letters to get to him, and please if it isn't too much... can he let us know somehow he got there?
Is this what it feels like to send one of your children to earthly parents? Not that I am comparing myself to you... oh no. Having your child leave the nest really leave is harder than it looks. I mistakenly thought it would be easier the second time- since now I know first hand the blessings & progress that come,
but no.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be his mother.

Man, I love this missionary.


michelle said...

Patsy, this really pulls at my heartstrings. So much. I hope you get news from the missionary soon!

Jill said...

I really hoped it would be easier for you this time as well, but it's totally understandable that it's not because part of your heart is walking around Brazil!