Sunday, June 20, 2010

a week without blogging

I have been trying to post all weekend- really trying.
I even posted these photos a couple of days ago...
but I just haven't had a chance to write!
Last week was full of activity
I wish I would have documented it better...
*The girls went to camp
*Every day chloe drove up to camp & back
with different people to make the recital (except for one)
*Brett went to Omaha, Nebraska on business (for two days)
*I covered 45 books for the library
*I finished another baby quilt for Charlie (can you have too many?)
*Trent had swim lessons & many, many friends over- which involved pizza & trampline jumping
*I took my scouts to the police station
it goes on & on...
I took these photos on the way to Chloe's dance recital Wednesday night, to show megan just how green it is here!
We have had record lows & record rain totals!
It has made for some beautiful scenery.
Usually these hills are brown & dry in the summer heat.
These are the mountains on Highway 89 on the way up to Weber State University where Chloe dances her recitals. Can you believe the clouds & green of the mountains, meg, I mean compared to usual?
Most of Chloe's friends were either in the recital, at girl's camp, at youth conference, or out of town. She was delighted that her & trent's GREAT friend Lily was able to come & watch. What a treat! We love Lily & were commenting on how she used to dance (in kindergarten) a long time ago... my how time flies!

Even though Chloe has been dancing on Point for 2 years- they don't have the girls dance in the recital on Point until their second year. So this means- it was our first time really watching her, besides peeking in now & then to see her on her toe shoes!

She is one of the older students now & they use studio costumes. Which means she cannot come outside in her costume & doesn't get to keep it. Oh well. I chose not to go to dress rehearsal (brett was out of town & everyone else was gone) when I heard we couldn't go in & watch- that's when I usually get photos. I stayed home with trent.. Even though trent "enjoyed" the performance, i couldn't envision him sitting through it twice, and coming out alive. I sent her with a camera & she came home with no photos on it. Several girls took loads of photos & are supposed to email them soon. I can't wait to post them! Hopefully soon?!

The blogger moms met at the park Thursday for a picnic & to let the kids play.
I swear it had been a month since I had seen these guys?

It was such a crazy week with camp & recital driving back & forth, last week felt like 3 weeks!

{ Kristy & Owen}
The park was perfect- a little chilly at just below 70 degrees, but I came home completely scorched with a sunburn! What in the world!?
Ouch- even the part in my hair was sunburned.
Trent heard a friend was running the local 5K for the fourth of July & decided he wanted to, too! This is his training outfit. He puts it on a couple of times a day & runs around the block.
LUCKY for all of us - these hideous, old, worn out, smelly, thin soled, shoes finally broke Thursday night- Hallelujah
I've been trying to throw them away & hoping he couldn't squeeze his foot in them another second for over a year. I HATE THESE TACKY SHOES.
Chloe came home from her second performance, after her last day of camp at 11:00 PM. She was completely exhausted. Poor thing- she was so wiped out & relieved the week was over, even though she loved every minute of it.
Friday morning I picked up these two cuties after the busses dropped off all the camping girls! They were cute & smelly & dirty- gotta love camp- and they did!!

Saturday - we got up & I surprised the kids with tickets to see TOY STORY III. It really wasn't a surprise, I had told them earlier... but I had bought the tickets early & paid extra for reserved seats. I was so excited. That day--- no one really wanted to go. Trent declared me the meanest mom ever for making him go to the movies. I was ticked, to say the least- which is not a good way to start a family activity. By the time we got there I was fuming mad- ready to give away some kids & not speaking to brett for some petty reason. Sounds like fun, huh!?
Luckily we LOVED the movie & everyone was glad they went... and it all worked out. FAmily fun- why does it always have to be so hard?

Saturday night
we met my parents - they were driving through town- and nieces & nephews, downtown for dinner.
I forgot to take a picture.
so sad
Afterwards we walked around the GAteway where a sidewalk chalk art competition was underway & we had a Blast!
Trent in the fountains.

The chalk art was fantastic!
I am so glad we stumbled across this-- it was so fun to see.

These are a couple of our favorite works.
SAturday started rough, but ended up being a perfect- absolutely beautiful summer day.
-FAther's Day-
I'll have to post more on that later
MOst Sunday afternoon's Trent gets out Brett's childhood train set to play. Chloe took this terrific photo of one of the cars- I love it.



Kristy said...

Great catch up post!!!

I can't wait to see Toy Story 3 but I think I will get the same reaction that you got......what the heck???!!!!

Busy summer already! I am glad we could get together finally!

She Loves To Make said...

haha family outings like that (toy story) were always so fun :)
I love that picture of Hailey and Chloe together! They look so grown up!
Oh my gosh, Trent's jogging outfit has me laughing my head off. He is so funny! The sweatband really ties it all together.
Not going to lie though, that "green" picture looks pretty brown to me, BUT those mountains are usually super brown so it does look a little green!

Love you!

Jill said...

Goodness, what a crazy busy week for you!

I love it that the green is lasting longer than usual because of all the rain, woohoo!

I'm glad you got together with the blogger moms, summer is brutal with kids and scheduling.

We say Toy Story III on Saturday too and loved it!

The Taylors said...

okay here is the thing, those mountains are dang green, but the rain IS going to stop and the TEMP is going to go up and then the whole thing is going to be up in flames ! HaHa just kidding (I hope)
Good job Chloe for the recital. Plus the cutest top on the planet (the picture with the top that has yellow buttons) Toy story 3 was awesome. Trent outfit was too. Great Post!

michelle said...

Holy cow, what a week! I'm kind of exhausted just reading about it.

I had to talk my kids into going to see Toy Story, what is that about?? Of course they all liked it. When will they learn?

How do you cover the library books?

Karrie said...

I am excited to see this show too! Thanks for taking my girls to the park with ya'all...I miss you guys!

wende said...

the park was so great - but i was burned too. i hate getting burned. what on earth? we sat in the shade the whole time!

you are an awesome blogger. i love your posts. and your photos are getting better and better.

i love the photo of the camp goers getting picked up. that's natural beauty if i've ever seen it! :)

allie is still so bummed about missing chloe's recital. i guess i could've sent her in her chimney sweep attire? :)

wende said...

and we LOVE trent jogging out fit. and that he trains by jogging around the block a couple of times a day. he is going to win that race for SURE!