Tuesday, June 29, 2010

"the best field trip ever"

Trent is such a lucky kid!
Last Friday was the Wheeler Cat open house
and one of our favorite neighbors (Kevin) happens to work there,
and happens to be awesome,
and invited Trent & I.
Trent was pretty excited, nearly couldn't sleep, & came into my room at 8:00 and said
"hurry mom, we only have 2 hours to get there!"

We went straight into the machine shop & saw some HUGe engines!
this isn't even the biggest engine they make... amazing

I couldn't help but think my brother & dad would love this place-
both of them have a lot of machine shop experience.

We were so lucky to get a personal grand tour.

There was all kinds of stuff being worked on or refurbished in the shop.

Trent was fascinated & paid attention so intently.

The wheels on these big trucks are HUGE.

Look at this, this big black thing - it's a radiator- can you believe that?

This photo is for my brother- cool machine shop stuff- huh!?

We saw this big boy from a distance & were lucky enough to get a closer look.

This is a 24,000 ton bed of a dump truck.

Trent loved it.

Here is the type of scoop that dumps dirt in a big ol' dump truck like that one.

I wish I could remember more of the information we got from Kevin.
He was full of facts & knowledge- I can't even begin to tell you how great he was!
This machine keeps the dirt roads smooth so that the big tires don't wear out faster than they need to- those tires are big bucks. $$$

this was an inside & outside tour.
Climbing on things-- and even a rides were aloud!

Trent was in big, boy, yellow, iron heaven....

they told him he could have a ride in a dump truck!

and sit in a highway paver
Plus-- turn it on & play with the controls...

I think it was this-
a new Hat- that got him off the machinery, barely.

not to mention a backpack of goodies!

and lunch too!

Before we left we took a tour of the wearhouse

and a big ol' room of tool boxes.

all of these rows of shelves are parts- & tools
amazingly organized!

Trent asked- what would happen if you rode on the conveyer belt-
kevin said- I'd get fired...
It was a GREAT day
thanks for the best field trip ever Kevin!
You made this kids - day- week, maybe even summer!


Kristy said...

WOW what a field trip!!! It looks like Trent was boy heaven!!

She Loves To Make said...

This looks like a dream trip for Trent! That was so nice of Kevin!

PaD said...

What a lucky boy. He looked like he was in heaven. Good photo's Patz.

Kim Sue said...

how much fun!

Carly went through a heavy equipment stage from about 18 months to 3 years. More than once we pulled off the side of the road to watch construction and when a bulldozer showed up to clear a lot in our neighborhood we sat for hours watching it do its thing. The Christmas before she turned 2 in February all she wanted from Santa was a bulldozer! She's outgrown that and has become slightly more girlie. but, I think she would have still thought that was super cool!

Jill said...

This looks like a boy's dream come true for sure! I can't get over the size of these machines.

Beth said...

Awesome tour of the Cat plant! Great photos... I will be sure and have your brother take the tour on your blog. So cool! He will love it!!
Catapillar really is top class with over the top employees... your neighbor was great to personalize it for Trent, it will be a lifetime memory for him. I will always remember my Catapillar tour This makes me want to go back again!

michelle said...

Wow, that looks like a dream trip for Trent! I love the pictures that have him showing the scale of those huge machines.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys that looked like a great time this is uncle Jim and I used to work on big cat equipment at the rock quarry in enumclaw it was a lot of fun. Trent your getting to be a pretty big guy.See you later.

Karrie said...

Um...I bet Trent is still beaming over this field trip!!! What a lucky kid!

everything pink! said...

ok that is amazing.

how much i would love those green tool shelves to store fabric!!!