Wednesday, December 17, 2008

gingerbread kind of day- updated!

Today was a really busy day for me.
Besides making 65 gingerbread men & two batches of Royal icing-
with four preschoolers in the morning...
I did three loads of laundry, dishes, finished a huge Christmas project I've been working on for months, made dinner & went to the grocery store.
I also helped with Trent's school Christmas party.
It was a gingerbread theme.
How do I do it all?
I'll tell you how...
I don't shower or get dressed like a decent person.
I don't show up dressed in a Christmas sweater or even clean clothes to my son's class party.
Ya- I just throw on a sweatshirt, put my hair in a pony then look & smell like a bum.
The secret to my success~
I'm a slob.
You do realize that I am being sarcastic-that I feel like I failed & that I'm not a success at all. I got there & realized I forgot the most basic of things- TO GET DRESSED-for heaven's sake! All the other moms & PEOPle in the school looked all cute... I'm embarrassed- that was my point.
I'm thankful I didn't realize how bad I was until afterward.
Today Trent had a helper with his gingerbread house.
I was helping with the other mom's-
we helped the kids
1. pass out candy & frosting to decorate (graham cracker) gingerbread houses the gingerbread baby story
3. pass around milk & cookies
His speech teacher came in with a graduate student who sat down next to him & helped him get it together. I forget... that projects like this are hard for him. He gets overwhelmed. There is no right way to make a gingerbread house. I was stunned, again. I went over & asked, what the heck, not like that... but she assured me they were working on a speech concept (following directions) & helping with the gingerbread house at the same time.
It was actually great she was there.
He had fun, didn't get stressed or need excessive help or attention from me.
It was good- just you know...
Here's Jake with his house- darling!
All the kids had a blast.
Afterward Trent took his Christmas presents around to all his teachers, the librarian, secretaries, office aides, etc. It's good for him to practice salutations. Plus- all of these people play an important role in his success. You'd better believe I want them to like him & me. I truly appreciate them- every single one- for all the things they do & it is very important to me that they know that.

(just some of the left over candy!)
so it's been a great busy day & here I am blogging instead of cleaning up!
-gotta run-
how was your day?
did you make a gingerbread house this year?


Kristy said...

Jake had fun making gingerbread houses! He said that he would not let you take his picture but you did get one! Thanks very cute!

I need a day like you had just to get things done! Great job :)!

Kristy said...

PS Do you have good gingerbread recipe? I need one for this weekend.

Beth said...

So productive! and pictures too!!!
Good job! It's okay if you skip a few steps that is the story of my life too!

I made Gingerbread houses with Jacob for years and it was so stressful on him and me... I thought I was trying to make memories... I just realized reading this post why it was so hard for him.

One year he made graham cracker gingerbread houses in 5th grade and that is the only good memory he has of making them... I should hug that teacher! Those were really fun for him. I am a really slow learner!!!

Unknown said...

you mention royal icing, and i break out into hives!!

(but, really, what a hectic day for you! i would have been standing right next to you, wearing jeans and a shirt that said Hampton Inn somewhere...)

Karrie said...

I loved the houses and Trent's hous is the best! I love to dress code you went to school in today...I've done it many many times.

Tiffany said...

Okay, so you could never look like a slob, you are way to cute!! I am impressed with all you get done!

Jill said...

Wow, gingerbread houses at school sounds like a huge undertaking. You are great to be so involved at the school and with Trent.

Johnna said...

You were probably the most relaxed person there. I know because I am wearing a Christmas Sweater at work today and would gladly trade it in for the pony tail and sweat shirt theme. Banks are sooooo stuffffffy!

Love you sis, you are the BEST!

Johnna said...

PS - great job on the gingerbread houses! The kids are so cute!

wende said...

thanks for letting ethan be one of the four toddlers. he had a lot of fun at your house, he kept talking about max last night. we have a cousin named max so i'll admit i was a little confused at first until i figured it out!

i'm so glad that trent had fun, and that we live in a place where there are resources to help our kids! we are so blessed. and you are a good mother, showered or not. hey, you were at his class volunteering right? that counts as a success no matter how you smelled! and ps you don't even HAVE any toddlers and you were babysitting four, again, success to me. you rocky patsy girl!

and by the way, thank yous for all the teachers and staff are a huge deal to me. i love that you think of them, i'm sure they love it too!

Kim Sue said...

making a gingerbread house is in the advent coundown next week...lots of fun!

Janae said...

What a day you had!!! I still feel a bit guilty...but, am trying to get over it:)
I am glad that Trent does have the opportunity for help, but know how hard that must be...I am glad he did have fun with his house making though!

Thanks for taking my toddlers:)