Sunday, December 28, 2008

a visit from the peanut

Last night the peanut came to visit.
Chloe & I bbsat him while his family went to see this.
Oh boy, as you can see ...
He is still the fussy peanut. Chloe & I tried everything we could think of, and remember- I have a lot of baby experience. Even Brett the baby whisperer tried to put him to sleep with NO luck. We changed him, fed him walked around in the stroller, chased the dogs in the stroller barking
(my personal favorite until I got tired.) (Bronco hiding under the computer desk from the crazy lady with the fussy baby who kept chasing him around the kitchen table barking)
I would've taken him outside to play, but hello-- it was night, we have piles of snow, & it was completely freezing. Ruthie told me if he got like this- put on the movie Toy Story or Toy Story Two. Man, was she right. That totally did the trick, well for the most part. He was never really happy.. just not fussing or trying to go to the front door anymore.

The dogs have been traumatized, but just a little.
Chloe was there to console them & when Ruthie came to pick up the peanut, max even acted all protective of the peanut. That max, he loves kids.
So- for the first time in years-
we sat down- kind of- and watched Toy Story 2.
I had to dig through our old VHS tapes to find it.
It's a darling movie.
I love how the peanut carries around woody.
He just got him for Christmas.
The whole movie he would say... buzz, buzz whenever Buzz came out.
So cute!
I don't do Toy Story 1- that Sid kid freaks me out.

There's some serious movie watching going on here!
later that night Ruthie told me this was his 6th time watching it this weekend!
The peanut.
He's fussy, but ya gotta love him.
Did your kids have a favorite movie when they were little?
I'll have to do a whole other post about the movies my kids loved another day.


Karrie said...

Mariah it was Lion King
Micah it was The Fox and the Hound
Payton it was Stuart Little
Riley Baby Einstein

I love his cheeks they are so chubby...but he looks so're a good auntie.

patsy said...

the fox & the hound? that is one sad movie!! I can't stand that- poor little fox & hound want to be friends but no.... tear jerker,
how did you get through multiple times of that?

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

That is so cute that he carries Woody around...

Beth said...

I wanted Jacob to LOVE Toy Story so much... and got him Woody and Buzz who very quickly made it to the very bottom of the toy box. He would only watch the army guy part of that movie, but was afraid of Sid too! It never took.

When he was peanuts age the movie that captivated him for hours upon hours was The Jungle Book!

That peanut is sooo cute... I remember Sarah not ever being happy when Ruthie would leave the room either! Must run in the genes.

What a great Auntie and cousin to take such good care of him in his time of great need. He is wayyy too cute! So nice to see him getting so big now.

Kristy said...

What a nice Aunt!! We suffered through our share of Barney, Toy Story and several other movies just to make the kids happy. I think Emily and Jake's Barney was the worst!

PaD said...

I remember Jack Garrett's favorite movie was Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. He'd watch it over and over. I think it was because all the guys had red hair like his.

Jill said...

You're a good sport for taking on the challenge of babysitting a notoriously fussy peanut.

michelle said...

When Lucas was about 18 months old, he watched Toy Story 2 practically on a loop! Good thing I love that show.