Friday, December 5, 2008

Am I the Only One?

~who feels low at Christmas?
~who forgets their Costco coupons EVErytime I go there?!!!!
~who is Thrilled to be paying $1.48 a gallon for gas?
~who is trying to get the house clean, before decorating for the holidays... bad, bad idea... now I'm feeling even lower & wishing I didn't have to decorate at all?
~who is cleaning up dog doo & dog food (oh man, these are NOt Christmas smells)
~who thought I would scale down this school year- what happened to that plan?
~who hasn't sent a Christmas package to the missionary- now it won't be there in time for sure... how much candy & mac & cheese can you send one missionary??? ( I don't know what to send?)
~who started a handmade gift months ago- now realizing it's the wrong size for the frames??

having a hard morning....


kate said...

sounds like you need a day to get away from everyone and everything and regroup! ..maybe park city is calling or a nice rubdown from a massage therapist.

Kristy said...

Hang in there!!!! :)

I forget my coupons everywhere I go and I am thrilled about gas prices now if grocery prices would follow that would be super!!

My house looks a Christmas bomb went seems we never catch up!

Beth said...

Forget coupons... check

Thrilled at low gas prices... check

Trying to clean house... check

Dread decorating... check

Cleaning muddy dog feet and dog food dishes... check (the poo smell will go away once he is trained... cherish the moments while he is small)

thought you were scaling down this school year... check (figured out pretty quickly, that slow is not your speed, it's okay you balance it out with so much giving, everyone around you is blessed!!!)

Missionary Christmas package not sent... check (just do your best, he will love it when it arrives)

Goofed up hand made gifts... check

It's all good! Your not alone! Breathe!!!!!

And this too shall pass...

Go hug your puppy!!!

michelle said...

No, you are definitely NOT alone, Patsy! I can relate to every single item on your list except the missionary package -- haven't gotten there yet.

Maybe you ought to have a nap. Jill sent me an email this morning giving me permission -- nay, an assignment -- to take a nap! Or sit down with a cup of tea or cocoa and read a magazine or a good book. Or... whatever will take the load off for a little while. Give yourself a break!

Janae said...

I forget coupons all the time...I actually hate coupons because I can never remember them and then I feel get guilty I didn't use them!
The good news is you are helping me because after the dog doo stories, I can wait for one of those for awhile.
Thanks:) Hang in there Patsy:)

she'sonlyhappyinthesun said...

I hope your day gets better. I always forget my Costco coupons! It drives me crazy...

Kim Sue said...

For the last 2 years, I have dramatically decided that less is more as far as decorations go. I hit the high points - tree, wreaths, nativity scene, christmas dishes with the dinning room table set all pretty, Carly's advent box, large red christmas balls, and a couple of poinsetta (sp)....and lots of Christmas cards. Enough to bring cheer, but not enough to stress over putting out OR putting away.

wende said...

ok, you are not the only one. that coupon thing - son of a gun! i want to swear out loud every time i go there! why can't i remember those damn things?

so besides the dog poop and the missionary package i was saying, "uh-huh, uh-huh, yep," to everything on your list. seriously, put up the tree and call it good.

Karrie said...

I just quit using coupons all together and I steal what I want....just kidding. But for real I just can't do it.

Why aren't the kids cleaning the dog poop? Aren't they the ones who really needed Bronco so bad.

I think Brian will love the package a little late...a nice add on to other Christmas stuff they do or get.

I love decorating do you want me to come help you? Do it for you?