Sunday, July 1, 2012

ballet recital 2012

Chloe the ballerina!
Oh I love to watch her dance... 

This year for the recital I bought balcony seats.
It was a GREAT view & I am so glad I did.
We haven't sat in the balcony for a while & it was really fun.

The set- the live orchestra- it was fantastic.
 Really we are so blessed to live close enough to such a quality dance studio - so that she can have this amazing experience.
Most of you don't know that Chloe has had a lot of problems with her feet this year.
According to her teacher - she has the talent, body & limberness to be a ballerina- but she doesn't have the feet. Her feet are (most of the time)... killing her with pain. We have taken her to a podiatrist & will be going back before she starts up the ballet year again soon. She wears supportive shoes now & will have to for the rest of her life ($80 for her flip flops! But, totally worth it.) Her ballet teacher says she has never seen a dancer keep going as long as Chloe- with feet like her. She is strong & determined & won't let the pain stop her. She has a bone that is not right & some other things-- her feet swell up to flat feet when she dances. She ices them, takes lots of ibuprofen, ices them... then dances through the pain. 
I'm sorry Chloe. I wish your feet could be different. You are such a beautiful dancer!

This year we were lucky to have Jack with us.
Oh Jack- it's just so nice to have you home with us.

I wish I had a video of her dancing- I don't dare take one.
 The wrath of the studio owner is fierce. Fierce I tell you!

Trent is such a joy at performances
(that was sarcasm)

I love you Chloe.
You too Caroline- what a great friend- she always comes to support Chloe.

*I just got home from Girl's camp on Friday afternoon! So much to blog about-- I will be trying to catch up.


Jill said...

Poor Chloe, I had no idea her feet gave her so much grief! What a cruel twist of fate for one gifted with all the others gifts of dance!

She Loves The Color Pink said...

I just left a comment, but there was some weird page when I tried to post it....testing 1 2 3 :)

She Loves The Color Pink said...

Chloe looks beautiful as always. I wish you could post video but I wouldn't wish the wrath that would come on anyone :)

Gail said...

It was hard to read this post because we wish we were there. Blair has ballet foot problems as well. Fortunately her new teacher is willing tobletvher do the advanced class on flat. Chloe is a wonderful dancer and one of the sweetest girls we know.

Kim Sue said...

oh, I hate that she has the pain to go along with something she lovees so much. one day you will have to get her dancing somewhere so we can see a quick little video!

michelle said...

That is too sad about Chloe's feet! Cruel. What a champ to push through the pain like that.