Thursday, July 19, 2012

your not going to believe this...

But last week-
Trent went to scout camp!
Not cub scout day camp---- REAL Scout camp.
He's 12 now & will be 13 in less than a month.
He was really excited & I was
 really nervous.

We worked it out (months ago) that one of the boys or Brett would be up there (the camp was near Wyoming) most of the time. We just didn't think Trent was ready for a week long overnight camp with out family. Now that it's over- we were probably wrong- I think he would have been fine.
 I guess it's easy to tell who's really not ready? 

I had ginormous plans for the week.
I was going to get so much done.
I put my list on a big dry erase board so that I could cross off the multitude of projects.
It didn't happen.
I tried, really I did... but I just couldn't do it all.

Chloe picked the first of our tomatoes.

We enjoyed Slurpee's at 7-11 on 7-11.

I took this photo on the way home from work one day.
Can you see the smoky haze from all the wild fires?
It was hot- it hit 106 degrees on this day!

I did work on a new quilt-
this one is a project for one of my friend's mother.
 It is to go over her bed.
kind of bummed I didn't get more done-
but isn't that life? When I'm busy I get more done than when I have more free time. Crazy - I know.
Trent had a blast at camp!
He's been telling wild stories about it ever since.
When I got home Saturday after work he was here- it was so great to see him after a long week. 
Hailey told me he answered the phone all day- 
"Hello- this is Trent, just got home from scout camp."


She Loves The Color Pink said...

LOL I love Trent's phone answer. I can't believe Trent is old enough to go to scout camp. I still think of him as he was when I went to college and that's kindergarten age!!!

Beth said...

Oh how great he had such a great time! I can't wait to hear the stories from camp!!

Oh I love the phone answer... sounds like "Buddy the Elf, whats your favorite color?" ha ha ha

You'll get there Mom... hang in there. It took me years to be even okay with winter snow camp outs... and they were always Jacob's FAVORITES!!!

Jill said...

I'm so glad Trent did well at camp and that the family survived as well! I love it that he answered the phone like that when he returned, hilarious!

I get way more done when I'm busy too. I have been dreading going back to work all summer long, but now that it's getting closer I think maybe it's a good thing.

Kim Sue said...

yeah for camp
and slurpees
and tomatoes

Anonymous said...

Hello, My oldest goes to Boy Scout Camp for the first time next week and I am so worried for him. He is getting all grown up and it is scary.
I love love your blog and reading about your so cute family. I am in Beth Dayley is my ward and I consider her my good friend and so I hope you don't mind I blog stock you!!!

Emily Sherman

michelle said...

Huge milestone! I hate it when my boys go to camp, even though I know it is great for them, because it just feels wrong when they're gone. I am so not ready for missions!