Wednesday, July 18, 2012

girls camp 2012

This year I was so lucky to be the girl's camp director for our ward.
It wasn't too big of a job...
It was stake camp. Our stake did such an amazing job organizing & preparing
 that they made my job a cinch!
I was really thrilled for the calling- I LOVED girl's camp as a youth- PLUS my two girls would be there- bonus.

The first night was just for Jr. leaders (girls 16-18) but I went up anyway- to prepare.
Our campsite was great. Close to the bathrooms & shady. The Jr. leaders in my group (again, my girls included) helped me decorate our site.
When we were getting ready to go to the ampa theater for devotional - a doe wandered into our camp!

She was SO CLOSE!
Like- 8-10 feet away. A beauty! 
She was so close we could see the markings on her face. Lovely

After devotional- the stake cooks had dessert for us.
I knew it was going to be incredible... 
My darling friend Janae was the chairperson over food.
She & her committee had put together a fondue bar.
Chocolate, Peanut Butter, & S'More fondues with a multitude of dippers.
It was as good as it looks.

The stake theme for camp was:
I Know Therefore I Shine
The emphasis was on Knowing that God & Jesus Christ live. 
That they love us & that we love them.
It was a beautiful theme- it was a wonderful camp.

One day while walking back from the bowery where we ate breakfast I came across this little set up.
A hammock, lounge chairs & foot soaking pool!
I texted a picture to the boys with the caption-- I bet you don't see this at Scout Camp!?

We practiced our skit- so funny & cute.
Worked on crafts.
We had secret sisters & mail boxes for good mail.
We ate fabulous food.
It was Hot & Dry- but the girls were a dream.
It was so fun.

Months ago- Karen & I (my dear friend Karen was my assistant leader & cook- I know- LUCKY!) asked the girls what they wanted from camp. We had them fill out surveys etc. It was interesting to know that they really wanted to camp. They wanted to really do it themselves. So- we got working on it & taught them how to set up tents (with the help of our husbands), make fires, etc weeks ahead of time. They all brought mess kits- NO PAPER plates. Everyone did their own dishes & hung them to dry in the trees in mesh laundry bags. 
We didn't have one complainer. I was just a little worried that when it came down to it-- that they may not want to do it. (In years past men came up & put up tents etc.) But they came through. They did it all- didn't complain & heck-- they did a GREAT job! These are awesome girls.

{Caroline & Chloe}

One of my favorite things that happened at camp was when the stake leaders challenged the girls to give all of us ward leaders facials- so crazy fun... did I mention it was hot & dry & dirty?
The girls went to work & loved it- then they gave facials to each other.

I tell you what- it felt great.
I braided lots of hair--

and taught the girls about Gratitude one afternoon.
We wrote in journals, had a water fight, performed skits, sang songs, hiked, ate fabulous food, looked at the stars (we found the big & little dippers!)
We did random acts of kindness - some girls even cleaned the out houses when it was our turn- incredible.

How fun is that!?
I feel so lucky- I got to go to girl's camp.


She Loves The Color Pink said...

I wish I could have gone too! This looked like so much fun. Your braiding!!! Wow! You need to teach me when you are here :)

Jill said...

I'm always impressed with the things women come up with for Girl's Camp...a fondue bar really?! I love the hammock, the foot soaking pool and the facials too. I'm a fan of Girl's Camp as long as the plumbing is decent.

michelle said...

I want that fondue!!

Our neighboring ward last time brought pools for foot soaks after hiking and invited us. I've decided girls camp is more fun when you bring more stuff!

I would a better yw leader if I knew how to braid like you...

molly said...

I wish I could take lessons on how to braid girls hair. Olivia looks homeless most of the time.