Monday, July 30, 2012

Astoria Bowpickers

This is the view from our room at the beautiful Seaside Wyndham Resort- at night.
Oh how I love the beach-- especially a cool beach-- as in a not hot- meaning NOT HOT beach.
The cool Oregon Coast weather was absolutely amazing coming from the dry, high Utah 90's & recent 100's.
It didn't even hit 75 degrees- the whole week!
 It was mostly in the 60's. Misty fog in the morning, sun in the afternoon & cool breezes at night-- mid 50's. I'm in love with cool weather.
Lucky for us- my sister is a "Platinum" member (inside joke) and she got us the in on the room.

We celebrated Johnna's birthday Saturday after getting there- went shopping for the week's groceries. 
We went to church on Sunday & swimming in the resort pool. 
so nice.

Monday we drove up to Astoria & ate the world's best (my humble opinion) fish & chips at the Bowpicker.
I read about the Bowpicker online while looking for places to eat. I knew immediately this was a place for us.

Known for selling out some days before 3:00PM-- we got there early for lunch.

This is it- a boat in a parking lot with a fryer & a couple of gals dipping tuna fillets & fries.
It was fantastic- There are two picnic tables & people eating in their cars all around. Drinks are in the cooler down below- and you can order small/large fish, chips, drinks- that's it. YUM
The owner came by with more fish at one point- ya it's fresh.

Afterwards Brett taught Cole (my niece's son) how to feed the seagulls.

He was so delighted!

Then he grabbed his hand & they chased them away.
It was adorable.
(it's hard to see all the birds because they are camouflaged by the white RV.

We love Astoria-
It's picture- perfect- beautiful.
We spent most of the day there
more to come.


Jill said...

This looks like a beautiful trip and such a relief from the hot weather we've been having in Utah!

That fish place looks so quaint.

She Loves The Color Pink said...

First thing: your hair rocks! Love it!
Those fish and chips sound sooo good!!! That makes getting fish & chips and Red Robin sound so sad haha.
Dad & Cole--that is so cute.

michelle said...

Marc's parents are platinum members, too, that's how we go on vacations! We've stayed at the one at Gleneden beach, but I guess that's a different one? I want to eat that fresh fried fish!