Sunday, July 15, 2012

chicken update & more!

Last week I had BIG plans for this ol' blog-- 
lots to blog about.
Then- it happened.
On the 4th of July Wende's husband- Rich (our computer expert) asked how our PC was doing-
 GREAT! I replied
 that did it.
 The next day it started acting all weird... by July 10th it wouldn't turn off or on- just one blank screen.
Happy Day- Last night he brought it back to me all fixed up, shiny, no more problems. It runs like a gem. Fast-- I had no idea how slow it had gotten? Aw Rich- you are the best!
So- this week- I have big blogging plans. Lots to share-- photos from Girl's camp-- Stories & photos from Trent's first week long scout camp-- my birthday (which is today by the way.)
So if you are a reader- stay tuned. I promise to catch up.

Have I told you how much Brett loves our chickens? 
He does. It's so sweet! I wanted chickens- he didn't- and with good reason.
 We got them & HE LOVES THEM.
 He visits them every morning & night and he calls them his - ladies. They know his voice, run to him & sometimes even jump into his arms... he doesn't really love that. He even spent all of his birthday money that he got from his parents on our new chicken coop. It's the perfect little coop for our two chickens
 (we are hoping to introduce two more chicks to our coop next spring.)

He & Trent put it together a week or so ago.
(Doesn't our new fence look so pretty?)
In the right hand corner you can see the old coop (which we need to return to it's owner- thanks for letting us borrow it Kevin!) Also loads of paving bricks that another neighbor gave us. We have been using those pavers over the years to build some (one- we have good intentions, okay) walkways in the yard. Brett & Trent made a fire pit & have been working on camp fire building. Plus our garden- it's growing! 

Our coop has a pull out tray to make it easy to clean.
Plus on the left there- that box- is where they nest & hopefully lay eggs.
The top lifts up & you can take out those eggs.
We hope to have fresh eggs soon.
Brett says by October- I think we should have some by September.
We shall see?

I have loved our little garden this year.
It helped that we didn't go crazy planting.
Next year- ya- we might go all planting crazy next year.
For this year- it's just right.


She Loves The Color Pink said...

I am dying with laughter that dad calls the chickens his "ladies." haha too good! The backyard looks stunning!!!

Jill said...

Happy Birthday Patsy!!!!!!!

The chicken coop is so cute.

I'm glad Rich fixed your computer, it's amazing how lost I am when mine isn't working properly!

michelle said...

That's pretty cute that Brett loves his little ladies.

Happy belated birthday!!