Saturday, December 31, 2011

missionary jack's last call

Latter Day Saint (LDS) missionaries only get to call home a couple of times while on their missions. I didn't understand this rule... until Megan went to Ecuador to work in an orphanage one summer. I won't go into my "phone call theory" right now... but I do agree this is a good idea. EASIER SAID THAN DONE-- but better for everyone in the long run for many reasons. Anyhow--- HOORAY for Christmas Day because we got to talk to Jack!!!
It was glorious.
I have to say-- that I started bawling hysterically & couldn't stop about 1/2 hour before the call. I had tried really hard not to think about the phone call for so long that all of the sudden- I just broke & I was so excited! As soon as I heard his voice... I was fine. He sounded just like Jack. He sounded good. He has a bit of an accent (cute) and--- he is in full on missionary mode- hasn't thought once about coming home. I had to remind him that he does have to make some plans for coming home... college plans etc. He will be going back to BYU of course, but housing - jobs - etc. I'm glad he is not thinking about it- it will come soon enough. Still I needed to know a couple of things to help him be ready for the transition back to regular life. bummer for him - awesome for us.

So-- guess what?
Jack comes home in exactly 95 days.
CaN YOU BElieVe iT?
He will be home right smack in the middle of spring break. Plus Megan, Tony & the boys will be here. I am so excited for this week--- I can't even describe it. Also- everyone will be home for Easter. EVERYONE will be home for Easter 2012. Oh gosh- I can't think of anything I would enjoy more.


Jill said...

This sounds so exciting! I'm so glad he's doing well and that he is super focused!

michelle said...

Best present ever!

I love that you got pictures of everyone on the phone.

Looks like you have some really great things to look forward to!

Murdlem said...

How exciting! It is wonderful when all you kids are at home. I didn't realize how much a mother looks forward to this when my kids were little. Happy New year!