Tuesday, December 20, 2011

cookie exchange

Earlier this month Brett asked me what I wanted for Christmas...
what I really wanted.
I told him I wanted the time to do all the things I wanted to do~ without being tired.
 He replied ~ "you want meth for Christmas?"
No-- I did not want meth for Christmas.
I decided that I really wanted to make time to do a couple of things-
#1 being a cookie exchange.
So- I did just that. Yesterday I had a Christmas cookie exchange & it was DELightFUL!

 I made Ina's Shortbread & dipped it in chocolate & crushed peppermint.
 It's a wonderful recipe. I didn't worry about over mixing it & it turned out just great. I think it needs to be mixed & kneaded a bit more than the recipe calls for. Don't get me wrong-- I'm NOT criticizing Ina-- oh no, I am not. I just live in a very dry state & I think that the humidity or lack there of in a recipe can be damaging. So these needed to be kneaded a bit- if you know what I mean?
 There were six of us friends- ya, I didn't take a single photo of people.
 Just cookies
- my priorities are obviously out of whack.
We tasted, had hot cocoa, visited & swapped!

Tonight for Family Night we will be delivering.
I'm so glad I did it- I did one of the things on my list that would make this Christmas special & memorable to me. Nice.
The rest of my list:
2. invite my favorite little kiddos over to decorate cookies.
3. send all my packages early (done)
4. go to a movie with my kids
5. have a Christmas family night (done)
6. decorate the house (done)
7. put together & set up the Christmas/winter bedding I bought with the Christmas money my parents sent me- (thanks mom & dad- done)
8. roast the turkey breast that is in the freezer & make a turkey dinner (done)
Oh I'm sure there is more but I am drawing a blank right now.
What is on your list?
Will you get it done?


Jill said...

Brett's Meth comment is cracking me up!

I'm so glad you've gotten so much of your wish list done, that's impressive and satisfying and it's only Tuesday!

She Loves The Color Pink said...

Those cookies are gorgeous! A cookie exchange is such a fun idea. I want to do one.
You are rockin' on your list! I don't even have a list so I know I'm going to forget something!!!!

michelle said...

I am dying over Brett's comment! Hilarious.

I was just thinking the other day that I really wanted to have a cookie exchange. Next year, obviously.

And I want to go to a movie all together, too! And put together a huge puzzle.