Saturday, December 17, 2011


I may have jinxed myself with all my work enthusiasm in my last post.
today was...... miserable.
tired me + crabby shoppers + demonstrating prime rib + long hours = a headache

To make matters worse---
I saw a young mom with three young daughters. Three daughters with bows in their hair.
I got all teary & had to walk into the back room for a second.
Oh how I LOved to do my girls hair... sigh.

Somedays I just miss being a mom at home with my kids.
Little kids- it was so hard, but so fun at the same time.
Why did it go so fast? Why didn't I do more, enjoy it more, I still have some time right?

It was just a hard day.


Gail said...

I know what you mean about the time going so fast.

However, it really is not too late. My girls still let me do their hair sometimes. We did a fabulous updo for Blair for the Christmas dance.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Oh youch. I've had that crying thing as well. One time we were walking in Target the night before school started and I saw a ten year old in a new collared shirt and haircut talking so excitedly to his mom. I just wanted to go back in time (with today's assured-ties mind you :)

She Loves The Color Pink said...

Oh...I'm sorry it was a rough day. I love you.

Jill said...

I hate days like that. I have moments of severe pain and longing for my little kids sometimes, it's awful.

PaD said...

I still have them and I'm 72.

Ps we're moving.

Merry Christmas.

Love ya,
