Thursday, December 8, 2011

5 minutes

I only have 5 minutes before I have to leave.
1. I have realized-- thanks to Beth's comment on my last post-- that I am so happy NOT having to go Brett's company Christmas party/dinner! One great thing about being laid off from that company!
2. man I hate those.
3. it's cold here
4. but I still put my make up on with a fan pointed at me.
5. I'm always HOT
6. glad the wind is gone
7. I bought & wrapped so many presents yesterday!!! woo hooo!
8. Double woo- hoo-- because so far I have stayed (strongly) in the Christmas budget.
9. Knowing I have work keeps me busy getting things done.
10. Have a GREAT day!

11. what do YOU want for Christmas?
12. soon I will make my Christmas favorite list!!!!


michelle said...

I hate company Christmas parties, too! Hate them. But then, I am really not a party person even in the best of circumstances.

I'm always hot, too. I kind of like it when it gets cold, because then I can finally wear sweaters and slippers and snuggle up with blankets without being way too hot!

I'm totally impressed that you both bought and wrapped presents! I have bought a decent amount of stuff, but haven't wrapped a single thing yet.

I have a whole wish list on Amazon - man, I wish everyone had one!

p.s. I just redeemed my swag bucks for two more Amazon gift certificates - I love that!

She Loves The Color Pink said...

I'm the opposite--I WISH Tony had a big Christmas party I could dress up and go to.

Beth said...

Didn't mean to bring back old bad memories. I just know how you dreaded them. Just a good happily ever after story re: company Christmas parties.... my Sis had shoulder surgery on her right side, and had been practicing how to do her hair and makeup with her left hand. She called me all stressed out about a fancy Christmas party she had at Snoqualmie Falls Lodge (cool huh?). She finally called in a friend to come to the rescue... I felt helpless from so far away, she couldn't even master mascara (I laughed at first, but that would be so tragic). It was nice she could be Cinderella for the night.