Friday, December 16, 2011

very exciting work day

Wednesday I was at work... just a workin' along. Demo-ing a french finishing sauce (piccata) over chicken & rice and... working at the cash counter.
and there she was!!!

THE KELSEY NIXON from the Cooking Channel. THE KELSEY NIXON from Kelsey's Essentials. THE KELSEY NIXON that my girls & I ADORE, tape her shows, protect them on our DVR so we can watch them over & over (and we do!), THE KELSEY NIXON that Megan introduced me to on her adorable blog (she has the coolest wedding video.)
Ya- I was just a little excited.
I walked right up
without even hesitating
are you KELSEY?
she said
I started gushing.
 I'm pretty sure I embarrassed myself... and my co-workers... ya-- pretty positive. She was so kind to offer to take a picture with me. My IPhone was in the back- the store was really busy- she did write a little note for Chloe though. NOW-- I WANT TO DIE-- because I am so stupid!!! I should have gone & got my phone & taken the picture!!!!!!! dang it.
She was just as adorable in person as on TV. SUPER nice about my gushing... and so sweet to write a sincere note to Chloe.
She says her new season starts in January & she should have a cookbook out soon!
REally excited- but really wish I could have a signed cookbook. Did you know I LOVE signed cook books- and collect (well, I'm working on it) them? I DO!!
WEll- except for NOT TAKING A PICTURE & SOUNDING LIKE AN IDIOT... it was a pretty, darn, good, work day.


She Loves The Color Pink said...

LOVE HER. So awesome you got to meet her!!!

michelle said...

I don't know her, but now I want to. I love the mental image of you gushing. You are adorable.

Jill said...

How fun! What channel is her show on? We enjoyed her on The Next Food Network Star, but haven't seen her since.