Sunday, November 13, 2011


I really didn't mean for that last post to stay up so long.
It just got busy...
and ya, it's true. I have been fighting off negative feelings.

But today is a new day & I have been thinking. A Lot of thinking.
Thinking about all of you wonderful, kind commenter's & more who have sent prayers our way!
 I feel loved and-
Loved is --- my favorite feeling.

Loved because of kind comments here.
Loved because some amazing, anonymous person sent me flowers Friday- I wish I knew who you were?!
Loved because of Trent's scout leaders who took him camping Friday night & made sure he had a GREAT time. (thank you- thank you- how can I ever express my thanks!? You guys are so wonderful)
Loved because we all (every person in this family) has such wonderful friends.
Loved because I dreamt Jack was home & he gave me a big hug.
Loved because Trent's teacher now eats lunch in the lunch room at his table & Trent thinks it's the bomb.
Loved because Trent has the world's best brothers & sisters who were specially sent from heaven above, before him to lead the way.
Loved because on my way to work yesterday I prayed
and I received a strong impression- some may call it intuition- I call it an answer from a loving Heavenly Father who knows me & you & wants to bless us.
It came in my thoughts & in my heart.

my answer
It's okay.
We all get bullied at one point or another in this life- all of us. Love him. Tell him what you told the other kids when they had these problems at his age- "now you know what it feels like to be treated badly. Whenever you see someone being talked to or treated that way YOU can stand up for them YOU know how it feels. Because, YOU know what it feels like to be bullied- You must always be careful not to bully others. Look for the kid alone who needs a friend and be one. That is the covenant you took upon yourself at baptism- this is what it means to be a true disciple of Christ."

Parenting a child is not easy- but it is worth it. I wonder if my other children remember conversations like the one above? I need to have the faith that Trent can do this!
Yes- I would take this trial away from him if I could (and you better believe I WILL try to make it easier) but he will learn & be a better person in the long run.
Faith- sigh.


She Loves The Color Pink said...

Yep, I remember lots of those conversations with you growing up. Maybe that's why I was so sensitive when I saw other kids being picked on? And yes, it's true, everybody gets picked on at some point in life! I wish it wasn't true, but it is. Love you!!!

Gail said...

This post made me cry and I don't know why. Blair had already been telling me how hard it has been for Trent. You are such a great mom. I wish I had said those words to my kids when they were being bullied.

michelle said...

This is just beautiful, Patsy. I'm glad you got the answer you needed and that you shared it with us! Who knows when any of us may need to hear those very words?

molly said...

Aunt Patsy, I love you! You give me courage to be the mom I need to be. The mom I want to be.

Hailey said...

I remember this conversation too. You are such a good mom and such a good friend. I love you so so much. XOXO

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Yes, yes, yes. Thank you for sharing your insights. I loved that your kids all remember the same lesson.

Janae said...

Patsy~ such a beautiful post... you gave me chills. A beautiful answer to prayer. My thoughts and prayers for you and Trent always:)

PaD said...

That was a beautiful answer to your prayers.

My mom taught me to go out and fight the world but to take an equalizer with me. (Usually a pop bottle). She and dad didn't have a mother so they did the best they could. I never liked to fight the bullies who were picking on my brothers and sisters but it was them or face my mom. She was little but she was mighty.

I like Heavenly Father's answer better.