Thursday, November 10, 2011

broken hearted

It's been a hard week on the aspergers/autism front.
More than one kid at school this week has picked on my favorite guy.

Even the typical supportive kids were involved in a challenge to get him to suck down ketchup packets in the lunch table. T- he doesn't get it. He knows something is not right - but he doesn't "get" it. I was angry. Then I was really angry. Then I wrote some emails. Now I am heart broken.

It's not just autism/aspergers we are dealing with.
It's hard to write this.
I just admitted it fully to myself recently.
But he is you know, slow.
His IQ tests are very low.
(Gosh- I can't believe I am writing this? Why does it make me feel better? Like I'm unloading a burden on a close friend? Am I trying to get sympathy, do I crave attention?)
He is more than a kid with ADHD- Tourettes- OCD- anxiety... he is special. He can't help it. He doesn't understand. Most things are more difficult for him than other kids. He just wants to play & have friends, & be liked--- you know, just like all of us.

My heart hurts.
Thanks for listening.


michelle said...

Oh, Patsy. This makes my heart hurt, too.

Poor little guy, he has a lot he's trying to overcome, doesn't he? And you're right, we all just want to have friends and be liked. I hope next week will be better.

Becky said...

He has great love and great people who love him. He is one lucky guy! I'm sorry for what you had to deal with yesterday.

Judy said...

I'm a lurker but have to come out from the shadows because we have been dealing with a lot of the same things here with my little guy. He is 6 1/2 and was diagnosed at 2 1/2 with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. (yep he's adopted and yes I found out about the alcohol in the delivery room but he was already my little guy and I couldn't abandon him he was mine!). He was giving an autism diagnosis last year. With sensory integration disorder, low IQ and many many more. We just moved back to Utah and dealing with a new school, no OT, etc. I hate dropping him off at school because I fear what will happen and then I dread picking him up fearing what happened. My little guy is a lot like yours. He wants to make everyone happy. He doesn't have the social cues to know what is wrong and right. My heart hurts with you. Know there is another mother out there hurting and struggling just like you!

She Loves The Color Pink said...

Oh poor Trent. This makes me want to cry. Why are kids mean?! It just ticks me off!

Unknown said...

Lot's of supportive hugs coming your way. Some days are harder than others. ((( hugs )))

Laura said...

We love you Mom. Let us know if you need anything.

Darla said...


I'm so sorry you are going thru this. Both my younger boys are adopted and they have adhd & the older one is suffering from attachment disorder. I know exactly what you are going thru.. The meltdowns, the bullying, the heartache, the not being able to fix it .. the why me?? God gave us these children because he knew we were the best people to be able to cope with all of this (oh there are days I don't think I can- two steps back one step forward) Find your strength your faith and God and keep moving forward. You stand up for him in the school system you are his only advocate!!! Have you put him on a IEP plan or a 504??? My email is if you need to talk or vent... You are a great mom!! Hang in there!!

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Dear Trent,

Thank you for being my friend.

I love you.


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Patsy, I'm sad with you.


37th Ward Relief Society said...

Oh this just breaks my heart! Why can't everyone be nice to each other?!

I think it's good that you share these things because they're a big part of what's going on with you and your family and because it makes us all more sympathetic and sensitive to those around us.

The Club President said...

No one is like Trent. I've been thinking lately and I'm so grateful that he's part of our family. He sure can be tough, but there's nothin like one of those hugs, that goofy laugh, that passion for one thing and shortly after something totally different. I need to be better with him, I know. But to Trent, I love you buddy :)

The Club President said...

Oh, and no one's as lucky ad we are, trent included, because we have you, Mom. You make all the difference. Love you too :)

PaD said...

Our prayers are with you. People can be so mean. Remember Tara and the kids at church would sit at one end of the pew and she had the other end to herself? The bishop could talk to the kids about being kind. I wish I knew what to do to help. He's got great parents and in that he is very lucky.

Amie said...

All kids like Trent should have a mom as great as you are. I think you are a.m.a.z.i.n.g. You have a gift of being able to share your feelings in such a powerful way. They have impact and I learn from every post of yours that I read.

I hope Trent had a better week... my heart hurts for him, and you.

Jill said...

Hey Patsy, my comment was under 37th Ward Relief Society...whoops!