Thursday, November 17, 2011

it's nutcracker week!

It's here- Nutcracker Week!
Yesterday I tried & tried to write a post... but I just could NOT get any of these pictures to download! AAARGH-- so I'm a day late. Oh well, what else is new?
Chloe is on point this year & is absolutely gorgeous- of course!
I went to the first dress rehearsal Tuesday night & sat in the audience hoping to get some great photos. It's really hard to get any photos with very crabby people (who don't like picture takers) around--- so I didn't get too many. Still- I tried!

 The orchestra is setting up & hasn't been lowered into the pit- so they were in the way of the run through but there's Chloe- 3rd from the left.
 There's my foot.
 I was quite a ways back because non chaperoning parents are discouraged from coming to dress rehearsal & told to sit behind row N. Well--- okay then!?
Waiting around by myself was just a little boring.

 dang- I've got a crooked nose!

 Chloe is dancing in there somewhere...
and now waiting in the middle for her turn.
I love Chloe- she is a beautiful ballerina & is the epitome of what a ballerina should be.

I cherish these ballet moments--- they won't last forever.
It sure seems like I'm sighing a lot these days, huh?
After this year, Chloe will only be eligible for 2 more Nutcracker performances.
time flies when you are a mom


Beth said...

Love, Love, Love it all... even your cutie patutie nose!! Thank you for sharing with us! Wish we were there.

michelle said...

Too bad about the grumps. There is something so classically beautiful about a ballerina on point!

I sigh a lot, too.

Laura said...

I can't wait to see it! Chloe really is the epitome of what a ballerina should be... and of a girl! She's perfect. Love this post.

And you do not have a crooked nose!!