Sunday, May 6, 2012

women's conference & chloe's roasted chicken

Ruthie & I went to Women's Conference last Thursday & Friday.
It was just what I needed. 
Seriously folks... I really. really. needed to be there.
Before I went I prayed that I would find some answers to what I need to do to help my family with our current set of trials.
 Specific answers please.
 Humbled by our current set of trials- I was feeling lowly of heart & ready to learn of what I could do. How I can change & do better.

Well, guess what?
I did receive those answers.
I really did. It was amazing. There were times while listening to speakers when it was like they were speaking specifically to me- like I was the only person in the audience. 
I was reminded by the gift of the Holy Ghost-
*that I can only change myself- my attitude- my opinions & choices
*that I needed to recommit myself to what is truly important in my life- God & Family
*that family prayer, scripture study & family home evening need to be of absolute importance- not to be taken lightly or half heartily prepared for. 
*that making my home a place of Peace & Love takes effort- and that effort is worth it.
This week I have been working on memorizing all the verses of this song. I sing it to myself throughout the day. 

Even though today wasn't Mother's Day- I came home from teaching a class at work- on Sunday
(not cool... especially after all my enlightened women's conference experiences)
to this beautiful roasted chicken, mashed potatoes & gravy & homemade rolls!!!
so today...... I learned that CHLOE rocks - another reminder- because, duh- I already knew that. 
It's a good life.


Jill said...

It was great to see you at Women's Conference even though it was such a short visit.

I love that hymn and am so glad we learned all the verses in primary a few years's powerful to sing that. Our music leader would have the kids hold up their palms one at a time each time they sang "He lives" (to show the nail marks in Christ's hands) this was a great way to help them remember the words and a powerful image that is burned on my brain!

michelle said...

I'm so glad that you got the answers you needed. Great reminders to me as well.

I can hardly ever sing that hymn without crying! It's powerful.